Page:A hairdresser's experience in high life.djvu/77

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then we will have to call on them as they will be big folks.

I will tell you what I had the independence to do; I just waited till I got another customer or two, and then I forgot her hour. There are a great many ladies who love to speak evil of each other, and should it be spoken of again, they would pack it on to the hair-dresser.

There came along a gentleman, his wife, child, servant and dog. I was particularly and immediately sent for. When I went to her room, I wondered how she came to know me, and asked her. She told me of many ladies whose hair I dressed, and called over their names. I thought she might be one of their visitors, but I had my doubts, till I asked these ladies, one after another; none of them knew her, as she had run up to them and asked who dressed their hair. They said they did not like her, and left her very soon.

On my going to her next day, she commenced a conversation, by saying she did not like the hotel, the attendants, the people, nor anything; her husband was going to take private board; was going to take this house and that, and so on. In the meantime I found out she had been, for many years, in a Camille boarding-house in New York. On learning so much of her character, I went right in to her, and told her who and what she was, and advised her to be quiet and keep her room, as both ladies and gentlemen had arrived who knew them the last place they were at; but, before the proprietor could send in his bill, they had left.

Her husband was a gentleman; how he got in such