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Page:A history of American literature.. (IA historyofamerica01patt).pdf/78

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(After A Careful Reading of as Much of it as Possible.)

Give reason for each statement:

I. Words. — What percentage have more than two syllables? Are there many of Latin derivation? of Saxon? Are any used that might be dropped? If so, give example. Does he use commonplace words, sometimes not elegant ones? Are his words on the whole well chosen? Where did he get his command of words?

II. Sentences. — Long and involved? Periodic? Balanced? Short and clear? Obscure? Or yielding their meaning easily? What adjectives describe Franklin's sentences?

I1I. Style. — Interesting or dry? Give example to prove statement. Is it ornamental? Are there figures of speech? Give example. Are there many quotations from other authors? Allusions to history which must be looked up to be understood? Are there words and phrases from other languages? Chiefly from what language? What adjectives describe his style? From whom did he learn it, judging from his own account? How does it compare with Pilgrim's Progress, Gulliver's Travels, and Robinson Crusoe?

IV. Subject Matter. — (a) What purpose had the author in writing the book? To instruct? To magnify himself? To produce a literary work? To reward friends and punish enemies? To discover the moral of life? If none of these, what was his object? (b) Is the story important? How much of the story of the times is incidentally told? How important an epoch did it cover? What leading historical events are touched? (c) Is it complete? Is the author honest? Is anything concealed?