Page:A history of Bohemian literature.pdf/429

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JerXbek (Dr. F. v.).

Stara Doba romantick^ho

Ancient Period of Romantic Poetry).

bdsnictoi (The

Prague, 1883.

RukovSt k dSjinam hteratury cesk^ do Konce XVIII. V6ku (Handbook of the History of Bohemian Literature Prague, 1875 and 1876. up to the End of the Eighteenth Century).

JiREciEK (Joseph).

JUNGMANN (Joseph). Historic Literatury Cesk^ (History of BohePrague, 1849. mian Literature). Second enlarged edition.

Linger (Professor Louis).

Le Monde Slave [i vol.], Etudes Slaves Russes et Professor Leger has devoted Slaves vols.], [3 [2 vols.]. thirty years to the study of the Slav race. All the books mentioned contain valuable essays on Bohemian literature. (Francis, Count).


view, Feb. 1897).

MORFILL (W. R., M.A.).

Ancient Bohemian Poetry (New ReSlavonic Literature.

Contains in a few

pages a concise and interesting account of the literature

of Bohemia.

MURKO (Dr. Matthias). Anfange der bohmischen Romantik. A very interesting work. Murko, however, attempts to prove too much when he maintains that the Bohemian patriots mainly imitated the Germans in their desire for unity.

PALACKf (Franz).


New edition.


PALACK'f (Franz). Prague, 1869.

der alten


GeschichtPrague, 1869.

Die Vorlaufer des Hussitenthums.

New edition.

Pypin (A. N.) und SpasoviC (V. D.).

Geschichte der Slavischen Written in Russian. Translated into German by TrauA French translation by Ernest Denis remained uncomgott Pech. pleted. Nearly a whole volume is devoted to the history of Bohemian



Safarik Literatur.


(Paul Joseph). Geschichte der Slavischen Sprache und New edition. Prague, 1869.

(Mrs. Robinson).

in its Various Dialects.

Historical View of the Slavic Language

This is not an original work, but an extract

from Safarik's book, which has just been mentioned. 5afa?ik himself pointed this out many years ago.

