arrives with troops—Builds a fort at Boroa—Lisperguer—Huenecura attacks a fort—Ramon's army destroyed—King Philip III. reestablishes the Royal Audience—Huenecura defeated—Aillavilu, toqui—Luis de Valdivia undertakes to negotiate a treaty of peace—Recall of Rivera—Ancanamon, toqui—Failure of treaty—Utiflame—Talavaranno, Ulloa | 91 |
CHAPTER IX — The seventeenth century | |
Loncothegua succeeded by Lientur as toqui—Successes of the Araucanians—Cerda succeeds Ulloa as captain-general—Pedro Ulloa—Noruena—Cordova—Putapichion attacks Fort of Nativity—Cordova ravages the Indian country—Governor La Vega carries on war against the Araucanians for ten years—The Dutch—Sir James Narborough—The Marquis of Baides—Treaty of Quillin and close of the Araucanian war—Renewal of the war—Spanish governors to 1665—Second treaty of peace—Events from 1665 to close of the century—French blockade—Condition of the country | 101 |
CHAPTER X — The eighteenth century | |
The condition of Spain—The French—Character of settlers—Captains of Friends and renewal of the Araucanian wars—The peace of Negrete—Cano—Founding of cities—Different captains-general—Establishment of the University of San Felipe—Mint—Earthquake of 1751 and the destruction of Concepcion—Amat—Failure of the attempt to compel the Araucanians to build cities—Jauregui—Conspiracy of Gramuset and Berney—Ambrosio O'Higgins—Condition of Chile at the close of the century—Expelling the Jesuits—Religious orders—Brief accounts of the administrations of different captains-general of this century to the time of the revolution | 109 |
CHAPTER I — The revolt of spain's colonies | |
Spain at the beginning of the eighteenth century—Organization of the Juntas—The causes of the revolution—Tyranny of Spain- |