CHAPTER IV — The battle of maypo | |
Abascal sends another army to Chile under Osorio—Unsuccessful siege of Talcahuano—Osorio advances toward the capital—Independence of Chile formally declared—Skirmishes at Talca and Cancha Rayada—Rout of the patriot army—Rodriguez rallies the patriots in the capital—Reorganization of the patriot army—Details of the battle of Maypo—San Martin returns to Buenos Ayres—Execution of the Carreras—Murder of Manuel Rodriguez—The war in the south—Benavides | 168 |
CHAPTER V — Carrying the war into peru—naval operations | |
Efforts in forming a navy—Capture of the "Maria Isabel"—Arrival of Lord Cochrane—Departure of the Chilean fleet to Peru—Attack and repulse at Callao—Unimportant naval operations—Cochrane chases the "Prueba"—Capture of Valdivia by Lord Cochrane | 179 |
CHAPTER VI — The struggle in peru | |
O'Higgins as supreme director—San Martin's appointees—Efforts to fit out the Peruvian expedition—The purpose of the expedition—Colonel Arenales marches a detachment into the interior—Armistice and diplomatic efforts—Cochrane captures the "Esmeralda"—San Martin establishes his headquarters at Huara—Defection of the Peruvian Numancia regiment—San Martin's conciliatory policy—Lord Cochrane's exploits in the south—The second armistice—San Martin enters Lima—Proclamation of independence—San Martin assumes control of the government—San Martin and Bolivar both seek to possess Guayaquil—Monteagudo—San Martin resigns—Ayacucho and the last battles of the war | 186 |
CHAPTER VII — Party dissensions | |
Disputes concerning tariffs, and Lord Cochrane's measures to collect duties—Execution of the outlaw, Vicente Benavides—Assembling of congress—Party machinations—Official corruption—Revolt of Concepcion and Coquirabo—O'Higgins is asked to resign—Arrival of General Freire in the capital—He becomes supreme director—Review of O'Higgins' administration | 194 |