284 HUNGARIAN LITERATURE persons of our acquaintance, so vividly are they drawn, Herczeg has also written a historical novel, The Paga t1s. lts subje ct is the revolt of the Pagan Magyars agai o st Christianity in the eleventh century. The author strives to enter into the thoughts of primitive nat ures. His hero is a young Hungaria n noble who is a favourite with the Bishop St. Gerard . The young man yearns for th e fre life of the plains, leaves the monastery, and places hímself at the bead of the party of rebellion. Herczeg is equally fortunate as a writer of historical dramas. Brigadier Ocskay depicts the times of the great leader Fra ncis Rákóczy, and in Byzan tium there is por trayed to us, in pithy sentences, the corruption and fali of Constan tin ople. JOSEPH KISS (born in 1843) belongs to the school created by Arany. His name became known by his ballads. Kiss, who is a Jew, treats of a J ewish subj ect in his ballad, Judith Simon. From the house of Simon small coffins are carri ed every year into the graveyard ; every year an infant child dies. Despair drives the mother, Judith Simon, to go to the wise Rabbi to ask his advice. 1 1 Wou ld you preserve your child now 1 " asks the Rabbi. 11 You did not care to have a child when your first horn was given to you. Where is your first child ?" Judith confesses that she killed her first child beca use its father had deserted her. The Rabbi commands her to deny herself the happiness of a mother's kiss ; she shall not kiss her dau ghter until her wedding-day. This will be the ato neme nt for her crime. Judith fulfils the command. I n vain the child asks for one kiss wh ile she lies suffering on her bed ; the 11;10ther does not yield to · her prayer. The father, roused to anger, drives the beartless mother · from his house. After many years they celebrated the
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