1. Artists of the beginning of the century—2. Kunisada—3. Hiroshige
1. Artists of the Beginning of the Century.—While Hokusai, from the second decade on, held the field as sole ruler after Yeishi, Utamaro, and Toyokuni had retired from the scene, a small number of artists whose style was rooted in the eighteenth century were still at work. The first to be mentioned are the two pupils of Shunyei, Shunsen, and Shuntei, the last artists of the Katsukawa clan of painters, both of whom were active in the two first decades of the century.
勝川春扇 Katsukawa Shunsen studied first with Torin, a master of the Chinese school; later with Shunyei.[1] According to the Hayash Catalogue (No. 620) he was a pupil of Shunsho. Besides book-illustrations, we may mention as by him:—
- A set of eight landscapes with figures in the foreground; rose and yellow predominate, the water indicated by blind printing.
- Shell-gathering at sunset.
- The banks of the Sumida in winter.
A reproduction in Strange p. 80.
Afterwards, under the name of Shunko II., he devoted himself exclusively to faïence painting.
There exists a book of Singing-Birds by Tsutsumi Torin, Toshimitsu and Rinsho, published in 1795 (Duret, No. 148).
- ↑ Anderson Cat., p. 364; Strange, p. 80; Cat. Bing, No. 289 f.