Page:A history of booksellers, the old and the new.djvu/221

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JOHN MURRAY. 185 about to his publishers ?" Turning it over in wonder- ment, however, some inquisitive member of his four- o'clock clique found a marginal correction "Now Barabbas was a robber," altered into " Now Barabbas was a publisher? A cruel stab, a " palpable hit," maybe, at some publishers, but, as regards Murray, an uproarious joke to be gleefully repeated to every comer. As a refutation of this playful libel, and as the clearest and most succinct way of showing what amounts of money Byron really did receive, we append the following account : > 1807 Hours of Idleness 1809 English Bards and Scotch Reviewers 1 8 12 ChildeHarold,l.II* 600 1813 TheGaiour 525 ,, Bride of ' Abydos ... ... ... ... 525 1814 Corsair* ... ... ... 525 ,, Lara 700 1815 Hebrew Melodies^ 1816 Childe Harold^ll 1,575 Siege of Corinth 525 ,, Parisina ... ... ... ... .. 525 ,, Prisoner of Chilian ... ... ... ... 525 i8r7 Manfred 315 ,, Lament of Tas so ... ... ... ... 315 1818 Beppo 525 Childe Harold, IV 2,100 1819 Mazeppa 525 ,, Don Juan, I. II 1,525 1820 Don Juan, III. IV. V 1,525 ,, Marino Faliero Doge of Venice ... ... 1,050 1821 Sardanapaltts, Cain, and Foscari ... ... 1,100 ,, Vision of Judgment % Carried forward ,. ... .15,005

  • Given to Dallas.

f Published by James Power, music seller. % Written at Geneva, and published by John Hunt, London. 12