Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/19

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made by Mahomedan Conquerors in Indostan.

Tageddin-Ildiz in the government of that city. But although he conquered the capital of their empire, it does not appear that he fixed himself in the Indian dominions of the Gaurides. He imprudently quarrelled with GINGISCHAN, and in the year 1218 was compelled to fly before the arms of that mighty conqueror. In the year 1220 he died a fugitive, at a great distance from India,

THE brave GELALADDIN, son of Mohamed, made head in the province of Gazna against the forces of Gingischan: in the year 1221 he was so hard pressed by them as to be forced to fly into India, where, on the western banks of the Indus, he was totally defeated by Gingischan in person, but saved his life by swimming the river with an intrepidity which raised admiration in Gingischan himself. He remained in Multan until the year 1224, when he left India never more to return to it. He was killed in 1231 in Mesopotamia.

WITH Gelaladdin finished the dynasty of the Khowarasmians; and what share Gingischan or his successors took in the affairs of Indostan, we have not had the good fortune to discover. We find that one Turmechirin Chan, stiled in Tamerlane's history a descendant of Gengis, and one of the great emperors of Asia, penetrated in the year 1240 to the city of Mirte hying to the north-east of Delhi, and made conquests which preserved great reputation to his name in India, until the appearance of Tamerlane; but these conquests did not expel from the sovereignty the family which at that time reigned in Delhi.

COTHBEDDIN-IBECK, the slave of Scheabbedin, rendered himself independant in the sovereignty of Delhi, which had been given to him by his master only in vicegerence. He extended the Mahomedan dominions, and died peaceably on his throne in the year 1219. He was succeeded by his son ARAMSCHAH, who was deposed by his father's slave ILETMISCHE SCHAMSEDDIN.