Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/429

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Book V.
Madura and Tinivelly.

mountains to the west, were sollicited with more success, and promised their assistance. Mianah, the fugitive colleague of Moodemiah, and Nabi Cawn Catteck, at the same time spirited up the Polygars of Nattam to join the league, of which the immediate object was nothing less than to get possession of the city of Madura.

Such an extensive confederacy could scarcely be kept a secret. The presidency of Madrass received intelligence of it from captain Calliaud, who commanded in Tritchinopoly, and the Nabob from the governor of Madura. They were, and with reason, greatly alarmed; for Madura, by its situation, extent, and defences, is the bulwark both if its own and the territory of Tinivelly, over neither of which Tritchinopoly could maintain any authority, if Madura were wrested from its dependance. The presidency, although from the first convinced of Maphuze-Khan's incapacity, had hitherto, from deference to the Nabob, treated him with indulgence and respect: but seeing now the whole brought into risque by the successes and designs of the Polygars, they determined to take the administration of these countries into their own hands. A native of Tinivelly, named Moodilee, came about this time to Madrass, and made proposals to take the whole country at farm; but it required time to gain the knowledge necessary to adjust the terms. Mean while it was immediately necessary to provide for the defence of the country; but as no part of the European force could be spared from the services of the Carnatic, it was resolved to send a thousand Sepoys, which were to be joined by those left with Maphuze-Khan, as well as those belonging to the Nabob; and to put the whole of this body under the command of Mahomed Issoof, whose vigorous and enterprising services had been recompensed by a commission appointing him commander in chief of all the Sepoys entertained by the company: he proceeded to Tritchinopoly, soon after the English army returned from Velore; and captain Calliaud was instructed to send him forward with the appointed force and equipments.

Meanwhile the Pulitaver, Nabi Cawn Catteck and Moodemiah with their allies had proceeded to action, and in the middle of February entered the districts of Nadamundalum, which occupy a considerable extent, about midway between the city of Madura and the Pulitaver's