Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/464

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XX I N D E X. service, 40.1. reward the services of dive, 40ti. tlieir marine force at Bombay, 409. 17-)i3, the misfortunes in Bengal threaten the greatest danger ever incurred by their estates in the East Indies, 434. BAST INDIA COMPANY, FRENCH. See under FRENCH. EAST INDIES, what Countries and Islands are comprehended in them, 1. the Eng. commerce in the East Indies depended on the success of the wars in Coromandel and Bengal, 34 to, 01— — 1749. the squadrons under Boscawen, the greatest European marine force ever seen in the East Indies, 98. m, 365. m, 366. Du- pleix raised the reputation of his nation in the E. Indies, and probably intended to drive the other Europeans out of them, 378. the greatest danger ever incurred by the Com- pany in the E. Indies, 434. Elephant. Murzafajing's, 159. Elephants em- ployed at the storm of Arcot to force the gates, 194. carry baggage, 392. Elerempenah, Polygar of, the place lies between Coilorepcttah and Chcvelpetore. 1756, June, redeems his hostages, 425. J'limiscrum, a fortified pagoda on a rock, 3 m. s. e. of the French Rock, the Fr. had mounted cannon there. 1752. March 28. Major Lawrence marches between Elimiserum and the Fr. Rock, when the two armies cannonade. 215. to, 217. April, taken by Dalton, 218, 219 1753. August, taken again from the Fr. by Monacgee, 303. October, an Eng. de- tachment left in it, 316. Cootaparah is 5 m. N. E. of Elimiserum, 344 1751. Feb, the garrison at Elimiserum march to secure Coo- taparah during the action of the convoy and grenadiers, 345. in, 352. May 23d, the guards withdrawn from Elimiserum, when the army march to Tanjore, 358. July, the enemy change their camp several times be- tween Elimiserum and the rive rocks, 364. -Natalpettah, 6 m. e. of Elimiserum, 368. a deep water-course passes between Elimiserum and the Fr. rock, which the army coming from Tanjore cross, and engage the French and Mysoreans, August the 17th, 368. August 22d, Monacgee takes Elimiserum and the Fr. party there, 370. Elore, Province, was governed many years by Anwarodean, 53. where it is erro- neously called Yalorc. 1753, November, obtained by Bussy for the Fr. company, 334. lies to the n. w. of Mustaphanagur, 335. 1754, the Morattoes who had invaded Rajah- mvndrum and Chicacole return through Elore. 374. Its revenues not specified, 376. EMPEROR, EMPIRE, meaning the MOGUL. 1752. De Volton brings Dupleix a blank paper, to which the great seal of the Empire = affixed, 274. 1756. June, Bussv asserts that he held his Moorish dignities, not from Salabadjing, but the Emperor, 432. See ' Delhi ; and Great Mogul, under Mogul. ENGLAND, N. B. the word Europe in a few instances is improperly used in our narrative instead of England. 1746. two ships of 50 guns, and 1 of 20, join Mr. Barnet's squa- dron from England, who sends back one of 20 and 1 of 60, p. 61. The trade from Eng- land to the C. of Coromandel, with that car- ried on from one part of India to another, had raised Madrass to opulence and reputation, 65 1748. January, Major Lawrence ar- rives at Fort St. David from England, 88. April, Admiral Griffin's squadron reinforced by 3 ships from England, 89. What ships and vessels of Mr. Boscawen's armament belonged to the navy of England, 92. 1749. January, Griffin sails with a 60 and two 20 gun ships to England, 98. October 21st, Mr. Boscawen with the fleet sails to England, 133. -1751. the English at Fort St. David re- frain from hostilities against the French, be- cause not authorized from England, 167. Major Lawrence had gone from Fort St. David to England in the preceding October, 167. Mr. Robins arrived from thence at Fort St. David about that time, 168. July, recruits from Europe arrived at Fort St. David, 181. 1752. March 15th, Major Lawrence arrives again at Fort St. David from England, 213. two companies of Swiss and other rein- forcements arrive at Madrass from England, 255. the recruits from England vile, 261. 1753. Captain Dalton returns to Europe, 316. 1754. Reinforcements arrived at Madrass from Europe, 362. September, Madrass obliged to make peace on disadvantageous terms, in conformity to orders from Europe, 371 1755. January 13th, Mr. Saunders proceeds to England, 379. Col. Heron lately arrived from England, 380. troops from Eng- land arrive at Bombay, intended for an ex- pedition projected in London, 405. then- number, they arrive in October with Clive, 406. 1756. the ship Darby, coming from England richly laden, taken by Angria about 28 years ago, 410. ENGLISH. THE, expressing or implying The Nation in General, or their Interests and Establishments in INDIA in general the Eng. Establishments in Indostan are under Bombay, Madrass, and Calcutta, 33. in which the English have been engaged in war since the year 1745, p, 34. their commerce in the E. Indies depended on the success of the wars in Coromandel and Bengal, 34. take part in the war of Coromandel immedi- ately after the peace of Aix la Chapelle, 35. 1745. the Nabob Anwarodean Khan insists that all officers of the Eng. nation are equally