Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/482

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XXX.V111 [ N D E X. 384, 385, March, arm.-- at Tinivelly, 185 sends a detachment against Catabominaigue and the Polygara i > the x. e. 36S. takes Nelli Cotah by assault, -3S7 drives away the troops of Moravar, 3S7. lets the countri. Maphuzc Khan, 38S. the army recalled, 3S9. he recalls the detachment from the N. t. marches against Nellita igaville.and isamua 1 by the Polygar, 300, 3'J1. leaves a thousand Sepoys at Madura, 391. the army attacked in the pass of Nattam, 391 to 3'J.i. arrive June the 5th at Tritchinopoly, 395. Heron is dis- missed the service, 395. m, 398. m, 399. m, 400, m, 420. m, 424. HlDAYET-MOHY-OOEAX Khax, »l, 123, 121. See Murzafajing. HIDERXAIU. 1751. August the 17th, the best officer of the Mysoreans, routs the rear of the Eng. convoy, 309. N. B. this man afterwards becomes the famous HIDER ALLY. Holcak Malakgee. 1756. May, detached by Balagerow, with 6000 Morattoes, accom- panies Mr. Bussy and the Fr. troops 8 days in their retreat from Salabadjing's armv, 429, 430. HoLDE RS ES SE, E A U L OF. — ■ — 1763,1754. secretary of state, confers with the commis- saries of the Fr. company, well informed of the affairs of India, advises the sending of a squa- dron into India, 365, 366. Holt Ensign.— — 1753. September, killed right- ing against Mahomed Comaul at Tripetti, 318. Hossax Ally Khan, brother of Abdulla Khan, which See; powerful at Delhi from 1713 to 1720, ;;, 19, 20, 21. assassinated by- some Omrahs, to please Mahomed Schah, 21. HUSSAIN GAL'RI, deposes Kosrou Schah, and founds the Dynasty of the Gaurlde em- perors in 1157, .p. 9 and 10. HYDER.iB.iD, HYDERABAD: X". B. this city arose from the desertion of Golcondah, which term is often used in Indostan, and many times in our narrative, when Hyderabad is meant, we'have therefore classed under this head all the mentions which occur of Golcon- dah. The country of the Morattoes lies between Bombay and Golcondah, 40. 1743. iu the beginning of this year, Xizamal- muluck comes from hence into the Carnatic, 50. returns thither in August, 53. Anwaro- dean left by him there in a station of impor- tance, 53. Golc, m, 125. 135. 1749. February, Nazirjing approaching the Carnatic from hence, 136. m, 137. ~H.asulipa.tnam is the sea port, 146. April, Nazirjing sends back a great part of his troops to Golcondah, 152. September, recalls them, but they cannot re- -O. before the rains, 153. December, Mur- zafajing prepares to return thither, 162. 1731. February, with the French and Sala- badjing's army continue their march from Cudapah to Golcondah, 166. are opposed by Balagerow, between the Kristna and this city ; arrive there on the 2d of April ; receivo-sup- plies from Masulipatnam, 250, Mai/, depart. from thence to Aurengabad, 250, Golc, in, 251 1732. July, proceed from the Mo- rattoe country to Golcondah, 436. »», 319. to, 328. In the beginning of 1753, S dabadjmg goes from thence to Aurengabad, 331. the governor of Golcondah instructed to distress the Fr. troops, whose officers'recall Mr. Bussy to Hyderabad, 331. he arrives there July 23d, 332. and proceeds with them to Au- rengabad in October, 332. the march is 300 m. 332. 1751. April, Mr. Bussy, after the campaign against Ragogee Bonsola comes to Hyderabad, 373. July, and goes from thence to Masulipatnam, 374. 1755. returns in the beginning of this year ; and with the Fr. troops accompanies Salabadjing into Mysore, 405. they return, arrive at Hyderabad in July, and remain there during the rest of the year, 405. 1756. June 14th, Bussy and the Fr.troops arrive here from Sanore after the rupture with Salabadjing, 430. Hyderabad, 60 m. N. of the Kristna, 430. description of the city, 430, 431. Romi Khan kills Ibrahim Allv the governor of the city, and is killed himself, 432. June the 26th, "the Mo- rattoes of Salabadjing's army arrive, 432. July the 5th, the Fr. army take post at Charmaul, 433. I, J. JACKALLS, devour the dead bodies of the Fr dragoons, killed December, 1751, at Tritchi- nopoly, 205. Jaffer alli Khan, Jaffeir ally, Jaffer ally. 1753. governor of Mustapha- nagar, Elore, Rajahmundrmn, and Chicacole, 304. 1754. with Vizeramrawze opposes the establishment of the Fr. government in these provinces, 373. and brings in the Mo- ratoes, 374. goes to Aurengabad, and makes his submissions to Salabadjing, 375. who gives him lands in fee, 375. 1756. accompanies him against Sanore, and unites with Shana- vaze Khan against Bussy, 426. assures Sala- badjing that the Eng. are ready to take the place of the Fr. in his service, 428. detached with the van of the army after the Fr. troops, 430. his nephew Ibrahim Ally killed, 431. Jaggernaut, Pagoda, on the coast of Orixa, famous, esteemed the northern boun- dary of Chicacole, and of the northern pro- vinces ceded to the French, 334 and 335. James,