Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/494

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1 INDEX. against Tripetti, 317. is opposed by Nazea- bulla and an Eng. detachment ; is defeated, taken, and put to death, 318. -Has brave and dangerous, 319. m, 326. MAHOMED FITKRUCKSIR, See Furrucksir. Mahomed Issoof, inlisted under Clive with a company of Sepoys, a little before the battle of Covrepauk, 346, 347. his military cha- racter ; schemes and conducts the convoys of provisions at Tritcliinopoly, 347. practices of Poniapah to render him suspected of treachery, 318 to 354. 1754. May 12th, is, with C'alliaud's detachment, sent to bring in the convoy, and serves in the general engagement which ensued, 354, 355. stationed with six companies of Sepoys, and protects the water- courses at Mootachellinoor, 372. 1755, Februray, attacks the barrier ofLachenaig, 383. sent to invest Coilguddy, mistakes his orders, 384. his intrepidity in the attack of the gate 385. in, 391. 1756. January, sent into Velore, to treat with Mortizally, 418. gives him the lie, 419. appointed to com- mand the troops in the Madura and Tinivelly couiitries, 421. arrives at TritchmupoU, 121 marches with a considerable detachment, 423. April 6th, arrives at Madura, examines its state of defence, 423. leaves two compa- nies of Sepoys there, 424. CheveJptore aban- doned to him; joins Maphuze Khan at ' tar: they proceed to Etiaporum, 42 4. he takes Coilorepettah by assault : on the 10th of June, arrives again at C'/u edpetore, and takes Calancandan, 425. Mahomed Mainach, See Moodemiah. Mamomed Mavzm, See Bahader Schah. MAHOMED SCHAH, Great Mogul, son of Jean Schah, succeeds Raffeih al Dowlet, and is raised to the throne by the brothers Abdallah and Hossan Ally ; one of whom pe- rishes in battle against him, and the other is assassinated by his courtiers, 21. his reign af- terwards indolent and irresolute ; offends Ni- zamalmuluck, who excites Thamas Kouli Khan to invade India, by whom Mahomed Schah is~ defeated in 1739, 22. and reinstated in the throne, 23. governs afterwards timo- rously, 121. 1748. sends his son Ahmed Schah, and his favourite, the Vizir Kimmu- ruldien, against the Abdalli. April, dies in convulsions, on hearing of the death of the Vi- zir, p, 122. M.ussix. 1753. November 27th, commands the Fr troops in the attempt to surprize Trit- cliinopoly, 321. ravages Tondiman's country : lakes Killanore and' Kelli Cotah, 357. curts through the mound at eoiladdy, 360. August the 17th, opposes the army returning from Tanjore, 368. hut. has orders to avoid a rive action. 37 n . 1755 ." marches, and settles Terriore, 396. summoneth Arielore and Wariore Pollam. 396. but is or- dered to desist, 397. MALABAR COAST Goa on this coast men- tioned, 18. the English settlements on this side of India are under Bombay, 3^. The country oiCanara extends between the rivers Aleya and Cangrecora, 121. The Caveri rises in the mountains within 30 miles of Manga- lore, 177. the rains which fall on the moun- tains of this C. subject the Coleroom and other rivers of the Coromandel coast to sudden changes, 179. some parts of Mysore extend within 30 m of the coast, 202. T'arencore is the southern division, 400. intersected by many rivers ; the inhabitants from the earliest antiquity addicted to piracy, 407. rise and ac- quisitions of Angria, 407, 408. Grabs and Gallivats the vessels pecidiar to tliis coast, 408 of which Angria's fleet had for 50 years been the.terror, 416. . Malabar, Language, m, 213. written by Mrs. Dupleix, 319. Malaiar Woman, »«, 104. Malacca, Stueioius of, part of Mr. liar- net's squardon take Fr. ships there in 1744, p, 60. Mai adihao, Polygar, on the s bank of the Kirstna, about 90 m. s. w. of Hyderabad, opposes Bussy and the Fr. troops in their re- treat from Sanore, May, 1756, /), 430. Malargee Holcar, 429, 430, See Holcar. Malay Islands, are included in the East Indies, 1. Malva Province, added to the Mogul do- minions by Homaion before his flight, 17. •par, a village 30 m. s. of Tritcliinopoly, where the army with Heron halt, February, 1765, ;), 380. and the Polygars send their agents to the Nabob, 380, 381. Manarcoile, apagoda, 12 m. s w. of ChiUambrum. 1754. vanuary, February, the Fr. have a large magazine of rice here ; summoned by a detachmentfrom Devi Cotah, which is defeated 358. Maxdleslow, quoted for the story of the cruelty of a Nabob to a set of handsome women, 28. Maxgalore, on the C. of Malabar, the Ca- veri rises in the mountains within 30 miles of this place, 177. Mamlha, a Fr. ship returning from thence taken in 1744, p, 60. M.vrHt'ZE Khan, eldest son of Anwarodean Khan. 1746. October, sent by his father with an army to take Madras from the Fr. 73. attacks it aukwardly, 74. is defeated in a sally, 75. retires to St. Thome, 75. Octo- ber the 24th. is routed there by Paradis with adetachM-ent from Pondicherry, 76 Decern- rout'- rnradis near Sadras, 79. joins his brother