Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/497

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I .N D E X. liii have been a rebel to the Mogul, 134. it is supposed that the standard of the empire never retreats, 141. 1750. the Pitan Na- bobs were obliged to follow the Mogul's standard, but hoped the remission of sums thej owed to his treasury, 142. Shanavaze Khan regards a cession of lands to Europeans as derogatory to the majesty of the Empire, 146. December 4th, Nazirjing reproaches Cudapah for not defending the Mogul's stand- ard, 156. the dominion consists of 22 pro- vinces, 157. the demands of the Pitan Na- bobs inconsistent with the government, 158. ■1 ) :ajing exempts them from tribute to it, 159. (S.B.ichichhc could not do.) Nograntsof territory, according to the constitution, valid unless confirmed by the Emperor, 161. 1751, the Europeans pay as much homage as the natives to the Mogul Empire, 167. re- bellion in India execrated only when against the Mogul, 242. Salabadjing accused of having disgraced the Mogul government by his partiality to the Fr. and they of intending to get possession of half the empire, 251. pre- sents to Viceroys on appointment, 252. and 435. majesty of the Mogul's authority in conferring Jaghires, 326. 1754. Janu- ary, patents produced by the Fr. for interfe- ing as they had done in the Mogul govern- ment, 338. ■ 1755, the Mysorean had never paid the Mogul's tribute since the death of Nizamabnuluck, 388. the possession of Trit- chinopoly would have involved the Mysorean in continual war with the empire, 389. he pays Salabadjing 5,200,000 rupees, on ac- count of his arrears to the government, 404. Empire, m, 405, the Siddee on the coast of Malabar is the Mogul's admiral, 407. Mor- ratoe chiefs holding fiefs under the Mogul government on condition of military service, 431. See Delhi, India, Indostan. 'ogul Lords, with Murzafajing, pay homage and make presents to him on his installation, 161. IOGVL TARTARS, have at length con- quered almost the whole of Indostan, 2. Eonacgee, General of the K. of Tanjore. 1752, joins Mahomedally with 3000 horse and 2000 foot, 201. April, takes Coi- laddy, 226. May 18th, encamps at Chuckly- apollam, 232. at enmity with the Minister Succogee, and therefore preferred by Mr. Law to protect the escape of Chundasaheb, 236. deceives both, 237, 238. confers with Major Lawrence on the disposal of Chunda- saheb, 238. threatened by the allies, 240. confers again with Major Lawrence, 240, 241. and puts Chundasaheb to death, 241. 1753. July, assembling the^ troops, 296. August the 7th, joins the Eng. army then at Tanjore with 3000 horse and 2000 match- locks, 299. the 9th, neglects to charge the enemy in the action of the Convoy, 303. takes Elimiserum, 303. September, assists the camp with provisions, 307. removed from the command of the army by the practices of Succogee, 319. the king's suspicions of him increased by the recommendations of the English, 325. 1754, is reinstated on the defeat of Gauderow, 341. intirely defeats the 1200 Morratoes who had entered Tanjore, 341 and 342. is imprisoned, 347. June 7th, is restored, and Succogee banished, 361. tardy in assembling the troops, 365. July 27th, joins the English army at Atchempettah, 365. furnishes them with provisions whilst remain- ing there, 365. the army reviewed before him and the Nabob, 368. August 17th, commits an error in the action before Tritchinopoly, of which Hydernaig takes advantage, 369." the 22d, takes Elimiserum, 370. detached with Jo. Smith to Coiladdy, to protect the re- pairing of the mound, 371. 1755. July, deputed to compliment the Nabob at Con- dore, 397. his transactions and connexions with Tondiman in the reduction of Aran- dangi, and the cession of Kellinelli Cotah, 402, 403. delays, and avoids to commit hos- tilities against Tondiman until the end of the year, 403. MOA .SOO.N .Northern and Southern on the C. of Coromandel, their seasons, 69, 70. 1746. October 2d, storm at the setting in of the Northern, 70. 1747. October, m, 87. 1749. April 13th, hurricane at Porto Novo and Fort St. David, on the setting in of the Southern, 109. 1752. October 31st, the Northern begins with a hurricane, 267. 1753. October, p, 316. 1755 March, April, 398. Moodilee, a native of Tinivelly, comes to Ma- drass in April 1756, and offers to take that country at farm, 421. Moodemiah, Moudemiah, his proper name was Mahomed Mainach, but the other has pre- vailed : one of the 3 P'jtan officers left by Allum Khan, in 1752, in the government of the Madura and Tinivelly countries : his acknowledgment of the Nabob, 399. sells Calacad to the K. of Travencore, 400. — 1755. retires with Nabi Cawn Catteck to the Pulita-* vers, 401. after Heron's departure, brings 2000 Travencores, and with the Pulitavers beats Maphuze Khan's troops at Calacad, 401, goes back with the Travencores, 401. returns in Septtmber with a large body, and again defeats the troops at Calacad, 402. schemes with his allies to get Madura, 420, 421. 1756. ilarch 21st, is killed in the ge- neral battle against Maphuze Khan, 422, 423. R r r Moon,