Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/502

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lviii INDEX. of the suspicion, 57, 68, 59. 1749. Chun- dasaheb preferred to him by the Chiefs in the Carnatic, 119. August, pays homage, and 700,000 rupees to Mmzafajing and Chunda- saheb, 131. 1750. had uu'.-ctcd obedience t"> Nazirjing. 17 <i, but on his death re- acknowledges Cmu nber, J0L15 Rajahsaheb at tht siege of Areot, 188. endeavours to deceive Clive, 139, 190. m, 212. m, 266. 1752, is inveigled by Du- pleix, and levies troops, 275. March, April, conies tD Pjndieherry, pays Dupleix 50,000/. is proclaimed Nabob : they differ, and he re- turns to Velore, 278. 1753, his troops defeat thuae of Arcot and an English detach- ment, 287, 288. renews his correspondence with Dupleix, and sends his troops against Tr... .....u> . . their allies are rou ,■ 1. ■ d aise I 305. Patent from Salabadjing appoim ing ' im Dupleix"s Lieute- nant ia the Carnatic, 3US. J75tJ. January, the E-ig. army appears before Velore, he ne- gotiates with them, and calls the French from Pondi berry ; his equivocations with Major Kilpatrick, Mahomed Issoos, and the deputy from Madrass, 417 to 420. M >i dbmiah. S I I :ab. Le to the w. of Coiladdy, 180. C'a -eri from runnin g into the C ' ■ 1754. May 24th, iso . Maissin, 363. Septa .nber, re- paireda 1 by Jo. Smith,371 and?72. M -si, River, runs by Hyderabad, has a stone bridge, 430. Charmaul situated on the strand, 433. M.i la, head of the Mahomedan religion in Indjstan, 26. 1IVLT -V, kingdom conquered by Scheabed- din in 1171, p, 10. Gelaladdin left it in 1224, p, 24. conquered by Iletmische Schamseddin from Nasserraddin, in 1225, p, 12. invaded, aod the cicv taken by Pir Mahomed Gehanghir in 139S,.p, 13. MrxNv, son of Kimmuruldein, left to com- mand against the. Abdalli at Lahore, in April I', I, p. 122. Munsub, a command of cavalry, 161. J/iifi ,:■:!', a pagoda near the road, between Samiavaram and Pitchandah, taken and re- taken m April, 1752, ; 221, 222. MTJRZAFAJING, favourite grandson of Ni- zamalmuluck, his real name was Hydayet- mohy ooean which was neglected after he took this of Murzafajing, which signifies the Invincible. 1749. pretends to the succes- sion of Nizamalmuluck and the Subahship of the Decan against his uncle S T azirjing, 123, 124. both arm, 125. is joined by Chundasa- heb, 125. with whom he proceeds to the Car- natic, are joined by the Fr. troops, 12G. July the 3d, they defeat Anwarodean Khan at Amboo , who is killed in the battle, p, 126 to I 129. proclaimedSubahat Arcot, and proclaims I Chundasaheb Nabob, 129. they go to Pondi- I cherry, received magnificently by Dupleix, I encamp 20 in. to the w. 131, 132. thi'Eng. 1 uncertain concerning his title, 132 marches with Chundasaheb and the Fr. troops against Tanjore ; they summon and attack it, 133 to 136. and break up their camp abruptly on the approach of Na/irjing's army, 136. harrassed in their return to Pondicherry by Morarirow, 137. m, 138. m, 139. on the sedition of the Fr. I officers, andtheretreat ofthebattalion, 'Murza- fajing separates froruChundasaheb.and surren- ders himself to Nazirjing, by whom lie is kept a prisoner in irons, 140, 141. m, 142. favoured by some of the ministers, and the 1'itan Na- bobs, 142, 143. these dispositions improved by Dupleix, 144. to whom he had given Ma- sulipatnam, 146. and a territory near Pondi- cherry, 147. Dupleix insists on his release and restoration, 153. December 4th, during the battle Nazirjing orders his head to be cut off, 166. he receives Naziijing's head, and is sa- luted Subah, 156, 157. treason already in his councils, 158. reception at Pondicherry, 159. where Dupleix endeavours to reconcile his dif- ferences with the Pitan Nabobs. 160. installed Subah there, appoints Dupleix his Vicegerent s. of the Eristan, and Chundasaheb Nabob of the Carnatic, 161. his grants to the Fr. com- pany, 161. Mahomedally negotiates with him, 162. Division of Naziijing's treasures, he re- wards the French troups, and consents to take a body of them with him into the Decan, 162. 1751. January the 4th, marches from Pon- dicherry, accompanied by 300 Europeans and 2000 Sepoys commanded by Bussy, 163. the grudge and treachery of the Pitan Nabobs breaks out in Cudapah, 163, 164. is killed in the conflicts by the arm of Canoul, 164. m, 165. m, 168. m, 249. his infant son Sadoudin Khan provided for by Bussy, 249. his patents to Dupleix and Chundasaheb, S3S. Maphuze Khan went out of the Carnatic with him, 346. m, 367. m, 403. rn, 425. Musnud, Throne, 250. very unlike our ideal of a throne in Europe. Mustaphanagar, province. 1753. No- vember, obtained by Bussy, 334. joins to the N. of Condavir, and has Elore to the N. w. 335. its revenues blended with the three other provinces, 376. Mi'rtizally. See Mortizally. Myanah. See Mianah. MYSORE, Kingdom, Country-, is extensive, 25. borders on the Ca?-natic to the s. w. 37. bounded ( on the e. by the 8. part of the Carnatic, and the kingdom of Tritchinopoly ; extends