Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/512

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Ixviii I N D K A RAFFEIH AL DOWLET, succeeds his bro- ther Raffeih al Dirjat, by the influence of the same lords ; dies a natural death a few days after his accession, 21. R.u rum ax Shan, son of Bahadr Schah, and father of Raffeih al Dow let; killed, con- testing the crown with his brother Iehander Schah, 20. RAGOGEI': BONSOLA, general of the Mo- rattoes, next in extent of command to Bala- gerow. in 1740, invades the Carnatic with 100000 Morattoes, 41. May the 20th. they defeat Doastidly, who is killed; ransom the province, retreat, and return in December, •12, 43. 1741. March 26th, take Tritchi- nopoly and Chundasaheb. 44. In 1714, he invaded Bengal in conjunction with Bala- gerow, 273.— — 1752. October, with Balage- row, attacks the provinces of Golcondah, 273. November, they make peace with Salabadjing and Bussy at Calberga, 328. Nagpore, in Berar, his capital, 328. lie goon after renews the war, but on obtaining some districts near Berar makes peace again with them, 828, 329. m, 330. 1763. October, preparing to renew hostilities against them, 332. and they against him, 336. 1754. they carry the war into his country, and advance as far as Nagpore, where Ragogee makes peace with them in April, 372, 373. his son leads an army into Chicacole, 373. See Morattoes. RAJAS, RAJAHS, the word means King. Some,as/essem<7andJesst/«seiH(7,possessedofex- tensive territories, 25. a great force in one hand necessary to coerce the Rajahs in each of the provinces, 28. tributary to the Mogul, but suffered to follow their own modes of govern- ment, 35, 36. Tanjore governed by its own Rajah; and Tritchinopoly until 1736,/;, 38. Chundasaheb in 1749, sides with a Ra- jah on the western confines of the Carnatic and his taken prisoner by another, who releases him in respect to the patent of protection given him by the Morattoes, 121. The Rajah of Chiterdourg with his assistance defeats the Rajah of Bedrour, 121. 1750. All south of the Kristna summoned to accompany Na- zirjing into the Carnatic, 137. who on his return to Arcot permitted many of them to return home, 152. m, 155. Vizeramrauze the most powerful in the northern maritime provinces of the Decan, 373, 374. Rhcddy is a diminutive of Rajah, 390. Niermel, the most powerful of those between Poni and Golcondah, and Heads them in. August 1752, against Sallabadjing and Bussy, by whom they are intirely routed, 436. Raja Ionaoee, Ionaoi, 162. See Ionagee, Ionagi. RAJAM l fiRUM. RAJAMUNDRY, one of the provinces under .Golcondah, 158. had been governed by Anwarodean Khan, 53. In November 1753. obtained by Bussy for the Fr. company, 334. is bounded to the s. by Blore and ituftaphanagar, 33.}. is the only part of the C. of Coromandel which has forests of Teak, 335. Jafferally had governed it for some yean, 373. m, 375. Of its re- venues, 376. m, 426. Rajami m.iu'm, city, capital of the province, Bussy there in, August, 1754, p, 374. Rajasaheb, Razasaheb, son of Chunda- saheb. 1740, left with his mother in Pon- dichcrry, 1749, accompanies the Fr. troops sent to join his father and Murzafajing, 126. 1751, September, joins the troops sent from Tritchinopoly against Clive in Arcot, with 160 Europeans from Pondicherry, 186. September 24th, Clive sallies on his quarters, 186 to 188. is joined by Mortizally with 20110 men, 182, their pretended quarrel, to ensnare Clive, 89. m, 190. a vast cannon tired through his quarters, 191. detaches against Lieutenant Innis, 191. October 30th, summoneth Clive, 192. November the 14th, storms the fort, 193, 191. quits tlic town the same night with all his force, 196. beats up Basiuron 'scamp near Velore, 196. is reinforced by a party of Eu- ropeans at Ami, 197. is intirely defeated there by Clive, 197, 198. m, 199. M January, appears again, plundering at l'ona- malee "and St. Thomas' Mount 208, 209. followed by Clive, and intirely defeated by him at Covrepauk, 210 to 212. abandons the fort, 212. m, 212. recalled by Duplcix, 213. June, who proclaims him Nabob on the death of his father, 252, 253. unequal to the station, which Dupleix therefore offers to Mortizally, 275. (whom he afterwards proclaimed,) m, 317, 1754. January, the Eng. deputies at Sadrass offer that he shall have a pension, 339. Rain s, between Aurengabad and Golcondah, continue from the beginning of July, to the end of September, 332. In the end of Decem- ber 1754, had swelled all the rivers in Tan- jore, 341. 1754, September 12th, the rainy season sets in at Tritchinopoly, 371. RAJPOOTS, fa high race of Indians next to the BraminsJ by their courage have preserved their independence, 6, are soldiers by birth, 40. 1751. Hay, 1000 with Chundasaheb profer to defend the Pagoda of Seringham against all intruders 2.32. and when surren- dered, threaten to cut the Eng. soldiers to piety* if they attempt to pass beyond the third inclcVjure, 240. The Naires assert even prouder pre-eminences than they, 400. Ramaoee Punt, Ramaoee Punt, Morattoe General. 1755, treaty made with him by f Bombay tof.vttaek Angria, 410. proceeds with the Morattoe fleet and army, 410. beseiges three forts out of cannon shot, 411. m, 413. Aprii