Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/515

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1 N D K X l>.xi allows him a pension of 4000 rupees a year, 118. SAUNDERS. 1750, governor of Fort St. David when the presidency, 168. 1752, sends Pigot with a detachment to Verdaehe- lui», 181. came to the government a little before the death of Nazirjing ; after that event, opposed the schemes of Dupleix with much sagacity, perseverance, and resolution, 337. 1754. January, superintends and ill- 's the Eng. commissaries at the confe- rence of Sadrass, 337. fairness of his proofs, moderation of his proposals, 337, 338, 339. whioji not being met by the same principles, 340 he breaks up the conference, 341. August, corresponds with Godeheu on his arrival, 307. they agree to a suspension of arms for three months to commence from the 11th of October, 371, 372. and conclude a conditional treaty, to commence January the 11th, 17-5-j, but referred to the determination of the two kingdoms in Europe, 375, 370, 377 1755. January the 13th, quits the government of Madrass, and embarks for England, 370. m, 406. Saubsaye, De Saissaye. 1755. April, commander of the Fr. Gairison at Seringham, informs Kilpatrick of the schemes of the My- sorean to surprize Tritchinopolv, 388. SCHAH (J Ell AX, Great Mogul, sou of Ieh- anguir, rcgins from 1627 to i666, when he is deposed and confined by his son Aureng- zebe, 18. SCHEABEDDIX, Fourth of the Gacrides, during the life of his brother and predecessor Gaiatheddin, conquers the kingdoms of Mul- tan and Delhi, makes nine expeditions into Indostan, gains immense wealth, and in 1205 is assassinated by an Indian, who had vowed his death, gave Multan to Xassereddin, Delhi to Cothbeddin Ibek, Ghazna to Trageddin Ildiz, all three his captive slaves, 10. »», 11. Sheabeddin, son of Ghaziodin Khan, son of Nizamalmuluek, m, 274. left at Delhi in 1752, when his father came to Aurengabad and was poisoned there; not then 16 years, but of great parts and iniquity, and succeeds at that age to his father's office of captain general of the empire, 336. Scot, Colonel. 1754. engineer general, died soon after his arrival at Madrass ; ap- pointed, before his death was known m Eng- land to command the expedition projected to be carried on against Salabadjing from Bom- bay, 406. 1 seal, used by the princes of Indostan as their signature, which being easily counterfeited renders the authenticity of their acts uncertain, 123, 124. basons, the year in India divided into two, described, 69, 70. Ska-winds, on the coast of Coromandel, their period in the dav, 89, 90. SEBEGTECHIN, Father of Mahmood, who founded the dynasty of the Gasnavides, died in 997, p, 9. the Mahomedan princes in Feritsha begin with his reign. 30. Secrets, why difficult to discover the secrets of the princes of Indostan, 59. Seerpaw, garments presented by inferiors in token of respect, by superiors of favour, 159. 1752. August, one sent by the Great Mogul to Salabadjing, 252 and 435. Si in LaskarKhan, was general of Xizam- almuluck's army; 1750. accompanied Nazirjing into the Carnatic, who imprud.-ntly sent him back into the Decan, 329 1751. on the ariival of Salabadjing at Aurengabad he was appointed Duan, by the recommendation of Bussv, whose views he afterwards thwart-* ed, 329", 330. 1753. January, his nrti- ticious conduct to disgust the Fr. troops after the departure of Bussy, and to wean Sala- badjing from his trust in them, 330, 331. cavries Salabadjing without them to Aurenga- bad, 331. Xvvember, on the arival of Bussy with the French troops, is reconciled to him ; their interview, 333. yields the four northern maritime provinces to the French company, 333, 334. but would rather have given them inland countries, 335, 336. In 1756, is no longer Duan, but Shanavaze Khan in is stead, 426. Sf.idMj homed, son of Subderally, 1742, an infant, was in Madrass with his mother when his father was assassinated by Mortizally at Velore, who demands him ; proclaimed Na- bob "at Arcot on the flight of Mortizally, 50. 1743. detained, but taken care of by Nizamalmuluck. 51. 17-14. who sends him back from Golcondah under the care of Anwarodean Khan, 55, much be- loved in the Carnatic, 55. June, assassinated in the fort of Arcot by some Fitan soldiers, 55, 56, 57. Mortizally and Anwarodean sus- pected of contriving the murder. 57, 58, 59, 60, in, 118. 1752. has a posthumous brother at Vandiwash, 119. m, 126. Sepoys. Infantry, composed of Indians and Moors armed and trained as Europeans, 80. In 1746. the French had raised four or five companies, but the English had not yet adopted the idea, 81. Sepoys in the service of C h u s d a s a h r. b. 1751. July, many, 177.— — -1752. May, 1500 with his permission leave him, and come over to Clive at Samiavaram, 231. Sepoys, in the service of the English. — 1747. June, 100 from Bcmbay and 400 from Te/li- cherry arrive at Fort St. David, 87- 1748. August, 2000 at the Siege of Pondic/ierry, little bi Her than common Peons, 98, 99. 1749. T t t 2 March