Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/518

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lxxiv I N D E X. Khan in Tinieelly, 401. who was twice de- feated at Cahcadc, 401, 402. Sepoys, in the sei-vice of M o rti z a l i. y. 1753, he has 2000, p, 287 ; which, April 21st, defeat those of Arcot, 288. Sepoys, in the service of the Mysoreans, 1753. May, 1000 at Seringham, 289. 1754. March, 1000 sent from thence to Mysore, 347. Sepoys, Various. 1753. August, 5000 were besieging Trinomalee, 305. Serbogee, one of the three sons of Sevagee's brother, who, as well as the other two, suc- ceeded to the throne of Tanjore, he was fa- ther of Pratopsing, the King reigning in this volume, 108. SERIN GAP A TA M, Capital of MYSORE, m, 203. 1755. Salabadjing, Bussy, and Balagerow, before Seringapatam, 404. they depart in April, 405. See Regent under Mysore. SERINGHAM, ISLAND and Pagoda, the Island formed by the separation of the Careri into two arms; about 5 m K. w. of Tritehi- nopoly, 177. a large mound 14 m. e. of this city terminates the Island, and prevents the two streams from uniting again, 177. Jum- bakistna and Seringham, the two Pagodas in the Island, described, 178. cause of the ex- treme veneration to the Pagoda, 178. reve- nues and life of the Bramins, 178 1751. July, the English army enter into the Pagoda, 179. quit it, and cross to Tritehinopoly, 180. Coilad<ly 1 m. e. of the great mound 180. the French and Chundasaheb's army take possession of the Pagoda, 180. and leave a garrison in it, when they cross to Tritehinopoly, 181. raise a battery of two guns on the Island opposite to the n. gate of the city, 200, 201.— 1752. April their whole army retreat into the Island, 218. a gun in a Choultry there, taken, 219. Lalyuddy, 7 m. E. of the Pagoda, 222. April, D'Autueil waiting at Utatoor to make his way into the Island, 226. A mound extending from Fitchandah to opposite the Pagoda, 228, 229. Clive cannonades the enemy's camp in the Island from this mound, 228, 229. the 1000 Raj- poots and part of Chundasaheb's army go into Seringham, the Fr. into the Pagoda of Jumbakistna 231, 232. June 3d, surrender of the Pagodas, 240. the Island made over by the Nabob to the Mysoreans, 246. who garrison the Pagoda, 247. m, 248. m, 252. m, 255. the Regent moves from Waxriore near the Pagoda, 260. August. Innis Khan with 3000 Morratoes detached from hence, 261. Morari- row sent to Pondicherry with the rest, except 600, p, 267, 268. December 23d, the camp beaten up in the night bv Dalton, 268, 269. the Eng. party in the great Choultry on the Island cut off, 270. m, 271. the Regent de- taches a part of his force to encamp at Fac- quiie's tope, 273. m, lib. which return to Seringham on the approach of Major Law- rence from Trivadi, 283. May 8th, a -rein- forcement of French troops arrive, 283 the 10th, Major Lawrence crosses at Mootachelli- noor, and engages the enemy's whole force in the Island, 283, 284, 285. June, another 5 reinforcement, consisting of French troops and 3000 Morratoes arrive ; on which the Regent quits his camp at Seringham, and en- camps at the Facquire's tope, 289. -August 24th, Morarirow and another French rein- forcement arrives, 304. m, 305. m, 306. m, I 307. September 21st, the enemy defeated at the Sugar-loaf-rock retire by Mootachellinoor in- i to the island, 313. m, 314. m, 317. Novetn- 1 bar, another reinforcement arrives, 320. m, 324. December, state of the enemy's force I there, 343. 1754. most of which march ] to the attack of the convoy and grenadiers, ] 344. Visits and conspiracy of Poniapah and ] another Bramin with the Regent at Seringham 350. 352, 353. the expences of his army there have exhausted his treasures, 353. May 1 12th, Morarirow quits the Regent, and en- 1 camps to the N. of the Coleroon, 354. May the 1 2th, the whole anny cross to support their party engaged with Calliaud, 355. and re-l turn by Weyeondah, 356. August the 17th, a party march to take possession of the French 1 rock, whilst the two armies are engaging, 370.1 Sept. 1st, the enemy retreat from Mootachel-1 linoor into the island, 370. m, 381. 1755. { April the 14th, the Regent marches away to his own country, and gives over the island tow the French, 388, 389. Serjeant, English, See Shawlum. 1753. April the Serjeant at Chillambrum, discovering that the Governor intended to give up his party, marches away with them to Levi Cotah, 287. September 23d, one clambers up the gateway at the assault of Weyeondah, 315. 1754. February, the French Serjeant at Manareoile sallies, and defeats the English party, 358. 1 Serpaw. See Seerpaw. Seva Gunga. 1751. the Morratoes having left the Carnatic encamp there, and return* from hence the next year, 44. SEVAGEE, in 1680 sends his brother with an army into Tanjore, which conquers the king- do-ii, 108. famous, became King of all the-. McJ-ratoes, and is generally, but erroneously^ supposed to have been born at Gingee, 15la Severndroog, Fort, on a small Island, 8 m. N. of Dubul, taken from the Morratoes b* Conagee Angria when he revolted, as well ag^ the three Yorts built by them on the maim land