Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/526

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lxxxii INDEX. TRITCHINOPQL Y, Country, Districts, Kingdom of, forms part of the southern boundary of the Carnatic, 37. was governed by its own Rajah, who paid tribute to the Mogul through the Nabob of Areot; in 1736 submits to Subderally and Chundasaheb, who had got possession of the Cjueenand the city, 38. Chundasaheb is left in the govornmont, 39. and injures Mysore and Tanjore, 41. 1741. the Morratoes having taken Chunda- saheb and the city, place Morarirow in the government, 14. In 1680, the King of Trit- chinopoly attacked and well nigh conquered Tanjore, but is repulsed by the Morratoes un- der Sevagee's brother, 108. Tanjore limits it to the w. 109. m, 129. the country of Madura lies s. between this and Tinivelly, 1C9. Its , Western boundaries adjoin to the dominion of Mi/sore, 202. Patents from Salabadjing, giving the country to Dupleix, produced at the conference at Sadrass, 338. TRITCHINOPOLY, City. 1736. Sub- derally and Chundasaheb proceed thither with an army on pretence of receiving the tribute, whcnC'hundasah cb gets possession of theQueen and city, 38. is left governor of the king- dom, and puts the city in a good state of defence, 38. 1740. marches from hence to assist Doastally ; and returns on the news of his death, 42. Meerassud stipidates with the Morratoes that they shall take the city from him, 43. they besiege it unexpectedly. Chundasaheb's brothers attempt to relieve it, who fall, and he surrenders on the 26th of March, 1741,° p, 44. the Morratoes leave rarirow in ths government, 44. November, who declares against Mortizally, 50. 1753. August, Morarirow surrenders the city to Nizamalmuluck, 51. Tanjore lies about 30 m. w. 109. »i, 118. 1749. July the 23d, Mahomedally escapes hither from the battle of Aniboor, his mother with his father's treasures had been deposited here before, 132. — 120 Europeans are sent to Mm there from Fort St. David's 133. October, Dupleix enjoins Chundasaheb to attack it, 133. who invests Tanjore, 134. to which 20 Europeans are detached from Tritchinopoly, 135. 1750. Dupleix rebukes Chundasaheb for not o having attacked this city instead of Tanjore, 137. March, Mahomedally from thence joins Nazirjing at Valdore, with 6000 horse and the English detachment, 138. December the 4th, he escapes back from the field of battle on the death of Nazirjing, 157. treats with Dupleix to surrender the city, 162 and 168. 1751. February, Captain Cope with 280 Europeans and 300 Sepoys sent from Fort St. David to protect it, 168. the town of Tinivelly is 160 m. s. to which Abdull Rahim and Lieutenant Innis are sent with a force, 169. Madura, in the possession of Allum Khan, cuts off the communication with Tinioelly, 169. Cope and Abdullwahab sent against Madura, 169. there were only two serviceable pieces of battering cannon in Tritchinopoly, 169. Cope and Abdullwahab return frustrated, 170. ( 'hundasaheb preparing to march against it from Arcot, 171. the Nabob's troops and Cope with the English detachment from hence join the English army, commanded by Gin- gen, 171, 172. the English army retreat from Tolcondah towards Tritchinopoly, 174. arrive on the Coleroon in sight, 177. the Caveri sends off the arm called the Coleroon about 5 m. n. w. from the city ; the two channels nearly unite again at Coiladdy, 15 m. to the e. 177. the government had two boats to ferry horses on the Coleroon, 179. the cannon in Tritchinopoly, and those in the Pagoda of Seringham intersect, 179. the situa- tion, extent, and defences of the city describ- ed, 180. The English army encamp on the w. side ; the Nabob's on the s. 180. Chun- dasaheb's and the French to the e. 181. July, Pigot sends forward the detachment from Verdachelum, 182. August, Clive sent with another from St. David, Clarke with another from Deci Cotah, both join at Con- dole, and proceed through the Tanjore coun- try : the King suffering both the English and French troops to pass, 182. — 600 men in the English battalion at the city. 183, Clive re- turning to Fort St. David proposes an expe- dition against Arcot, as a means of drawing off part of the enemy's force from the attack of Tritchinopoly, 183. September, Chunda- saheb detaches 4000 of his troops to besiege him there, 186. the retreat of the English army to Tritchinopoly prejudices the reputa- tion of their affairs, 192. m, 196. Decem- ber, Basinrow leaving Clive proceeds with his Morratoes (1000) to Tritchinopoly, 199. ineffectual operations of the French and Chundasaheb against the city, 200, 201. the French tire the same shot at the city as had been fired by the English ships against Pon- dicherry, 202. Seventy horsemen with 500,000 rupeas arrive to the Nabob from Mysore, 203. who see a skirmish, 203. Caroor is situated 50 m. w. 203. Innis Khan the Morratoe arrives with 500, p, 204, the plain of Tritchinopoly full of hollow ways, 204. the Fremh dragoons cut off on the plain by Innis Khan, 204, 205. the Mysoreans preparing to come from Caroor ; Trusler detached to meet them at Kistnaveram, 30 m. w. 206. then Cope,'. 206, 207. who being killed, Dalton