Page:A letter to the Rev. Richard Farmer.djvu/15

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tion of the poet's words, as they are found in the only copies of authority.

We are now, however, told, that from this collation but little advantage has been derived; and, as a proof of this aſſertion, it is ſtated, that in collating one hundred thousand lines (for ſuch nearly is the number of lines in theſe plays) I have not always been equally attentive; that in this tedious labour (wonderful to tell!) I have been guilty of eight errors!! ſo that it appears, that I have only corrected the plays of this author in one thouſand ſix hundred and fifty-four places, and might have corrected them in one thouſand ſix hundred and ſixty-two. Of theſe eight additional reſtorations I ſhall very gladly avail myſelf in the quarto edition of this poet's works, which I am now about to put to the preſs[1]; and

  1. While foreign countries can boaft of magnificent impreſſions of the works of their celebrated authors, a ſplendid edition of the Plays and Poems of our great dramatick poet, with the illuſtrations which the various editors and commentators have furniſhed, is yet a deſideratum in Engliſh literature. I had ten years ago ſketched out a plan for ſuch an edition, and intend immediately to carry a ſimilar ſcheme into execution. It is almoſt unneceſſary to add, that the ſame gratuitous zeal which induced me to undertake the former edition, will accompany this reviſal of it; and that no dili-
