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The few corrections which have been taken from that copy, on the principle juſt now mentioned,[1] have been pompouſly diſplayed;
a lift
- ↑ Such as, in The Tempeſt,
"ſuch iſlanders;" inſtead of the erroneous reading of the authentick copy,—"ſuch iſlands." In The Two Gentlemen of Verona, "ſheep." and I afor "ſheep." and IIbidem. "ſtern'd me." you have tefor "ſtern'd me." you have ceIn Meaſure for Meaſure, "The princely Angelo." for "The prenzie Angelo." Ibid. "ſonment." ache, penury, and imprifor "ſonment." ache, perjury, and impriIbid. " was affianced to her by oath,for " was affianced to her oath.In The Comedy of Errors, "Gave helpful welcome ."for "Gave healthful welcome ."Ibid. "And as a bed I'll take thee, and there lie." instead of "And as a bud,. &c."