Page:A literal translation of the Saxon Chronicle.djvu/101

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with the Berkshire men, fought with them and put them to flight, and kept possession of the field of battle. And this Æthelbryht reigned 5 years, and his body lieth at Sherborn.


This year the Bishop St. Swithin died.


This year the heathen army remained in Thanet, and made a treaty with the Kentish men, who promised them money for peace. And under this treaty and promise of money, they stole out by night and plundered all the eastern parts of Kent.


This year Æthered the brother of Æthelbyrht succeeded to the kingdom of Wessex. And the same year a great army of heathens came to England, and took up their winter quarters among the East Angles, and there they were supplied with horses, and the people made peace with them.


This year the invading army went from East Anglia across the mouth of the Humber to York in Northumberland; and there was much discord amongst the people themselves there, for they had cast off their King Osbryht, and had taken