Page:A literal translation of the Saxon Chronicle.djvu/267

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would not perform all that they had stipulated in the treaty; moreover they called him perjured and faithless unless he would perform the conditions, or would go to the place where the treaty had been concluded and sworn to, and there clear himself. Then at Candlemas the King went to Hastings, and whilst he waited there for a fair wind, he caused the monastery on the field of battle to be consecrated; and he took the staff from Herbert Losange, Bishop of Thetford.—After this, in the middle of Lent, he went over sea to Normandy. When he came thither he and his brother Earl Robert agreed that they would meet in peace, and they did so, to the end that they might be reconciled. But afterwards, when they met attended by the same men who had brought about the treaty, and had sworn to see it executed, these charged all the breach of faith upon the King; he would not allow this, neither would he observe the treaty, on which they separated in great enmity. And the King then seized the castle of Bures and took the Earl's men who were in it, and he sent some of them over to this country. And on the other hand the Earl with the assistance of the King of France, took the castle of Argentses (Argentan) in which he seized Roger the Poitevin and 700 of the King's