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Page:A manual of pharmacology and its applications to therapeutics and toxicology (1922).djvu/13

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Non-Volatile Organic Irritants i88

Cantharidin, 189 -Capsicum, 191 — Chrysarobinum, 192 — Poison Ivy, 192 — Physical Counterirritants, 194.

Drugs Employed for Their Local Effects on the Alimentary Canal. . . 194

Stomachics, 194 — Simple Bitters, 196 — Astringent Bitters, 197 — Aromatic Bitters, 197 — Carminatives, 167 — Vegetable Cathartics, 198 — The Anthraquinon or Emodin Cathartics, 197, 203 — Cascara Sagrada, 205 — Senna, 205 — Rhubarb, 206 — Aloes, 207 — Phenolphthalein, 208 — Bile, 209 — Castor Oil, 210 — Ricin, 211 — Abrin and Jequirity, 212 — Cathartic Resins, 212 — Jalap, 213 — Resin of Podophyllum, 213 — Colocynth, Elaterin, and Bryonia, 214 — Croton Oil, 215 — Colloid and Emollient Laxatives, 2x6 — Evacuant Enemas, 216.

Anthelmintics 217

Aspidium or Male Fern, 218 — Chenopodium Oil, 220 — Pelletierin, 221 — Santonin, 222 — Vermicides for Thread Worms (Oxyuris), 223.

Convulsant Poisons 224

Strychnin and Nux Vomica 224.

Picrotoxin Group 239

Caffein, Theobromin, and Other Methyl-Xanthins 241

Caffein Beverages, 256.

The Morphin Group 259

Papaverin, 288 — Protopin Group, Chelidonin, 289 — Sanguinaria, Benzyl Benzoate, 290.

Hydrastis 290

Cotarnin 292

Cannabis 294

Piscidia; Lactucarium; Dried Lettuce Juice; Lupulin and Hops; Loco Disease, 295.

Cocain Group; Local Anesthetics 296

Drugs Acting Peripherally on the Autonomic-sympathetic System. . . 315

The Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Systems, 316 — Pharmacology of the Sympathetic Division, 318— Pharmacology of the Parasympathetic Diviaon, 319 — Drugs with Partial Autonomic Reactions, 320 — Location of Action, 320 — Muscles of Genitourinary Tract, Uterus, 324 — Ureter, 327 — Gall-bladder, 327 — Autonomic Phenomena of the Intestine, 328— The Nature of Antagonism, 332 — Optional Isomers, 333.

Atropin 334

Synthetic Mydriatics, 344 — Hyoscyamin, 351 — Protocatechyl Tropein, 351 — Agaric Acid, 352.

Scopolamin or Hyoscin 353

Pilocarpin 356

Physosticmin 361

Muscarin 364

Mushroom Poisoning 365

Cholin, 366 — Neurin, 367. — Betain, 367.

Quaternary Ammonium Bases 368

Nicotin 368

Acute Nicotin or Tobacco Poisoning, 373— Habitual Use of Tobacco, 374.

Lobelia 378

Conium, 379 — Lupines, Lathyrium, 379 — Gelsemium, 379 — Spartein, 380 — Curare, 381 — Guanidin, 384.

Epinephrin 385

Uzara 406

Cotoin 406

Pituitary Extracts 406

Anterior Pituitary Lobe, 414 — Tethelin, 414.

Thyroid Preparations 414

Parathyroids 422

Pineal Gland 423

Phlorhizin 424

Kidneys 425

Red Bone Marrow 426

Thymus 426

Ergot 426