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Page:A manual of pharmacology and its applications to therapeutics and toxicology (1922).djvu/16

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Organic Acids and Their Salts 850

Acetates, 851 — Citrates, 851 — Malates, 853 — Succinates, 854 — Lactates, 854 — Formates, 854.


Colloid Metals, 857.

Inorganic Arsenic Compounds 858

Organic Arsenic Compounds 866

Sodium Cacodylate, 868 — Sodium Arsanilate (Atoxyl), 869 — Arsphenamin and Neoarspbenamin, 870.

Tellurium 883

Selenium, 886 — Vanadium, 887.

Antimony 887

Uranium 889

Bismuth 891

Iron 894

Manganese 904

Chromates 904

Aluminum 905

Baking Powders, 906.

Cerium 907

Yttrium and Zirconium 907

Beryllium Sulphate. 907

Thorium 907

Radio-Active Metals 908

Silver 912

Gold and Platinum 915

Tin 915

Copper 916

Zinc 917

Cadmium 919

Nickel and Cobalt 919

Mercury 919

Peculiarities of Calomel, 926 — Mercury in Syphilis, 928.

Lead 935

Thallium 942

Phosphorus 943

Phosphorus Compounds in Nutrition 948

Lecithin, 951 — Phytin, 952 — Glycerophosphates, 952 — Hypophosphites, 953.

Appendix 955

Appendix A.— Tabulation of Average Doses 955

Appendix B. — Check-list for the Study of Preparations 959

Appendix C. — Bibliography 965

Index 1045