Page:A methode or comfortable beginning for all vnlearned (1570).djvu/29

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A Methode.
n ∂e nạm ov ∂e fạ∂r and ov ∂e sun, and ov ∂e hol-li gọst. so bị it.

∂e lords preẹr, bi-lif, and ten kom-maund-ments.

ur fạ∂r huiɕ art in hẹvn hal-lu-ë́d bị ∂ei nạm. ei kingdum kum. ei uil bị dụn in er†, az it iz in hẹvn. giv-uz diz-dẹ, our dẹ-li bred. and for-giv-uz our tres-pas-ses, az uị