Page:A methode or comfortable beginning for all vnlearned (1570).djvu/40

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A Methode.

hiz gifts, and for our hel†, and ụ∂r hiz be-ne-fits, huer-ui† hị in-dụ-ë́∂ us, be-fọr ma-ni ov our pụr brị∂rn, huiɕ re-pre-zent him: let uz ∂er-for help suɕ in aul ∂ẹr uan-ts tu our poụ-ë́r: huer-bei ∂e fẹ†-lez mẹ tạk eks-ampl, tu ∂e glo-ri ov our al-mih-ti god. so bị it

god sạv his ɕurɕ, and so fur†.