8 Preface
and toiled for the Christian Cho-sen of to-day. Hence the larger part of this book is devoted to the country and to the people whom he loved and for whom he gladly died.
A man of system and scrupulous regard for both exact facts and general truth, this servant of Christ of high ideals and master of details kept, from his youth up, journals, note and common-place books, copies of important doctiments and letters; and to these I have had unstinted access from the widow and daughter of this missionary pioneer. Scores of correspondents also have enabled me to make my story trustworthy and authentic, as well as vivid and interesting. To these and to the " help meet " and loyal daughter, do I make my grateful recognition.
May John Milton's hope be fulfilled in this book, in that "life unto life" shall, in this case, mean that the story of Appenzeller, who died too soon, shall stimulate others to still nobler consecration and achievements. And this,
"Through the dear might
Of Him who walked the wave."
W. E. G.
Ithaca, N. Y.