Page:A moral and political lecture delivered at Bristol (IA moralpoliticalle00cole).pdf/22

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( 16 )

For shall Oppression vainly think by Fear
To quench the fearless energy of mind?
And glorying in your fall, exult it here
As tho' no honest heart were left behind?

Thinks the proud tyrant by the pliant law
The timid jury and the judge unjust,
To strike the soul of Liberty with awe,
And scare the friends of Freedom from their trust?

As easy might the Despots' empty pride
The onward course of rushing ocean stay;
As easy might his jealous caution hide
From mortal eyes the orb of general day.

For like that general orb's eternal flame
Glows the mild force of Virtue's constant light;
Tho' clouded by Misfortune, still the same,
For ever constant and for ever bright.

Not till eternal chaos shall that light
Before Oppression's fury fade away;
Not till the sun himself be lost in night;
Not till the frame of Nature shall decay.

Go then secure, in steady virtue go,
Nor heed the peril of the stormy seas—
Nor heed the felon's name, the outcast's woe;
Contempt and pain, and sorrow and disease.

Tho' cankering cares corrode the sinking frame,
Tho' sickness rankle in the sallow breast;
Tho' Death were quenching fast the vital flame,
Think but for what ye suffer, and be blest.
