turned home and after she regained her strength she went about her usual labour, which she moderately followed one or two years, when she was taken down again she grew uneasy and went to her fathers in Gillum in New-Hampshire, and there staid some months; at the same time I had another daughter sick with the consumption and died. My other daughter grew uneasy and I carried her back again, where she paid part of one summer and she was disconted. and I went after her and got her to Montague to landlord S
, I took her out of the carriage and set her in a chair and she instantly died. I immediately got a coffin made and then carried her home.My friends when you read this journal remember your unfortunate friend Solomon Mack, who worried and toiled until an old age, to try to lay up treasures in this world, but the Lord would not suffer she to have it, but now I trust I have treasures laid up that no man can take away, but by the goodness of God through the blood of a bleeding Saviour.
Although I am a poor cripple-unable to walk much, or even to mount or dismount my horse I hope to serve my God by his assistance to divine acceptance, that I may at last leap for joy to see his face and hold him fall in my embrace.