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Page:A narrative of the life of Solomon Mack.djvu/49

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In the year 1755, I enlisted under Capt. Harris and went to Fort Edwards ; there was a large army come from South Bay (now called Skeensborough) upon a scouting party of our men, at Half. way Brook : there was a scouting party of the enemy attacked our men, and Kenricks horie was shot under him and he was killed ; when they heard the guns, Gen Lyman and Col. Johnson had not a log put up. The enemy fought seven miles and killed them all the way ; when they got there the breast-work was finished, This battle lasted all day ; many were killed on both sides ; the remainder of the enemy went back to half-way brook (being seven miles) and refreshed themselves upon, their spoil. Then a party of New Hampshire troops come upon them and killed a great number of them.

I was married in the year 1759, instead of 21 — same page, instead of 1754 — 1759. Then I went to Crown Point and kept a Suttler's shop 27 years. In the year 1757, a large army