Page:A new England boyhood by Hale, Edward Everett.djvu/25

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Place, near Canterbury, has become the seat of a Jesuit school for the training of priests.

This Robert Hale is called a blacksmith, and he settled at Charlestown, opposite Boston. He seems to have had the taste for surveying or engineering which crops out in alternate generations in the family. He was of the party which was sent to Winnipiseogee to run the northern line of Massachusetts. The stone which they set there is to be seen to this day. He married Joanna Cutter. He sent his son John Hale to Harvard College, where he was the fourth in social rank of his class of eight. He became the minister of Beverly, is the John Hale who went to Quebec as chaplain and was taken prisoner, and the John Hale of the Salem witchcraft. A missal given him by a Catholic priest in Quebec is in the library of Harvard College to this day. He was the grandfather, by his oldest son, of King Hale, as Robert Hale (H. C., 1686) was familiarly called in Beverly; and by his fourth son, Samuel, was grandfather of my father's grandfather, Richard Hale, who lived in Coventry, Conn., and