Page:A new dictionary of the terms ancient and modern of the canting crew, in its several tribes, of gypsies, beggers, thieves, cheats, &c. with an addition of some proverbs, phrases, figurative speeches, &c.djvu/162

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Smacking-cove, c. a Coachman.

Smart-money, given by the King, when a Man in Land or Sea-Service has a Leg Shot or Cut off, or is disabled.

Smart, witty, sharp; also pain.

Smatterer, one half-learned. A Smattering. a slight Tincture in any Skill or Learning.

Smeller, c. a Nose,

Smelling-cheat, c. a Nose-gay; also an Orchard or Garden.

Smelts, c. half Guineas. Tip me a Smelt, c. Prithee lend me half a Guinea.

Smirk, a finical, spiuce Fellow. To Smirk, to look pleasantly.

Smiter, c. an Arm.

Smash, c. to kick down Stairs. The Chubbs, toute the Blosses, they Smash and make them brush, c. the Sharpers catch their Mistresses at the Tavern, making merry without them. Kick them down Stairs, and force them to rub off.

Smock-fac'd, fair Snout.

Smoke, to Smoke or Smell a Design. It is smok't, c. it is made Public, all have notice. Smoke him, Smoke him again, to affront a Stranger at his coming in.

Smoker, a Vessel to Blind the Enemies, to make way for the Machine to Play; also a Tobacconist.

Smoky, c. Jealous. No Smoke but there is some Fire as no Reeds but there is some Water, of a thing that will out, because Smoke is a sign of one, and Reeds or Rushes of the other.

Smug, a Black-smith; also neat and spruce.

Smuglers, c. those that Cheat the King of his Customs by private Imports and Exports.

Smutty, Bawdy.


Snack, c. share orpart