Page:A poetic survey round Birmingham - James Bisset - 1800.pdf/120

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most respectable inhabitants of the place; and being concentered in one grand and general focus, they will not be thrown aside like the generality of Cards, but be come an object of curiosity, and will, doubtleſs, be sought after with avidity, by all patronizers of the Liberal Arts.

"Any gentleman wishing to find his own Plate, may be accommodated with a place, free of expence; or if any gentleman can suggest an improvement in the present undertaking, or is willing to take upon himself the guidance and direction of the whole, J. B, will freely relinquish his design, and furnish him (gratis) with every requisite in his power to accomplish his purpose.—If not, he will do the best in his power to make the work worthy the attention of the Public, or of those Travellers or Strangers for whom it is particularly intended."

The Author declined taking any Subscriptions for the Poem, (though often ſolicited) as he wished the Public to judge for themselves; and when the work appeared, either to purchase it or not, as their inclination might lead them. In subsequent advertisements. J. B, gave the Public to understand, that, as several Merchants, Factors, and other Gentlemen, &c, might have probably been on journies, he would extend the time of receiving names till the end of November; and as it was his wish to make it as complete as poſsible, another advertisement was iſsued, wherein he offered to give an account of all the coaches, waggons, carts, boats, or barges, setting out from, or arriving in Birmingham, (free of expence,) if the Proprietors would favor him with lists for that purpose.

The Reader will perceive how many availed themselves of the opportunity; and the impartial Public will clearly see, that all that was poſsible to be done for their satisfaction and information was adopted; and nothing left undone to make it as acceptable as the brevity of the work would allow.

Apprehensive that the expence of engraving, &c. might preclude many ingenious Artists. Mechanics, &c. from having their Names inserted, repeated advertisements, hand bills, &c, were iſsued, offering free admiſsion to whoever would apply; and, anxious to lay the Work before the Public in as superb a style as poſsible, he has spared no pains or expence in the execution of the designs, and all the Engravers had strict orders "To finish their Plates as well as they could, and charge what Price they pleased."

The inadequacy of the Author, in attempting the Poem which accompanies the Directory, he trusts, is the only Apology he has to make to the Public; but, as it was written with a desire to oblige, he hopes it will plead a sufficient excuse; relying on this, he remains, with great sincerity and respect,

Their most obedient servant,

J. B.

Museum, Birmingham.