Page:A poetic survey round Birmingham - James Bisset - 1800.pdf/20

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Survey Round

Three miles beyond exhibits to your view,
Those rural scenes[1] that Shenstone's pencil drew.

Around, in various parts, you'll RUINS trace,
Mementos sad, of Riot and disgrace;
Religion o'er these relics drops a tear,
And Superstition shrinks, appal'd with fear;
The Muse laments the scene, but draws a veil,
And,in oblivion, sinks the hapleſs tale.

Near Lady Grove[2] again you may descry,
The tow'ring Monument ascending high;
The Beaks[3] and Shireland Hall,[4] see to the right,
And, west-ward, Smethwick[5] Brass-works meet your sight;
Where clouds of smoke in lofty columns rise,
And sable exhalations dim the skies.

  1. The Leasowes, a most delightful and enchanting spot, near Hales Owen, once the residence of Shenstone, the celebrated pastoral Poet; whose taste and genius form’d the place, from a rude uncultivated waste. It is about four miles from Hagley, the seat of Lord Lyttleton.
  2. Residence of Mr. Wm Walker, merchant, Congreve-street.
  3. Residence of Mr. J.Rabone, merchant.
  4. Residence of Meſsrs. Cairns and Frears, merchants.
  5. Very extensive Works, belonging to the Smethwick Braſs Company, about three miles from Birmingham.—Meſsrs. Boulton and Watt, have erected there a complete Iron Foundry, in which the power of their steam engines is applied to the boring of cylinders, pumps,,& c. to drilling, turning, or blowing smelting furnaces, and whatever tends to abridge human labour. The following facts shew the wonderful powers of their engines; one bushel of coals applied to one of them, will raise 30,000,000 of pounds weight of water one foot high, 3,000,000 ten feet high, or the like proportion to any given height. For a particular account of these stupendous works, see notes to Dr. Darwin's celebrated Botanic Garden.—About two miles on this side Smethwick, are the Glaſs Works of Mr. John Hawker, for a view of which, see plate O in Magnificent Directory.