Page:A profitable instruction of the perfite ordering of Bees.djvu/29

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The ſecond Booke.

¶By what ſubtil meanes, the ſwarmes come forth, may be preſerued from flying quite awaye. Cap. xiiij.

PAlladivs in his ſecond Booke writeth, that ye ſwarmes of the honny Bees fly awaye eſpeciallye in the moneth of June. But with vs the ſame oftner happeneth in the moneth of May, as hathe bin noted by ſundrye, diuerſe times, eſpecially if the yong Bees be ſounde and hartie within the Hyues. Therefore the keeper muſte diligently looke to the Hyues, and at no time be abſent eſpecially when the young Bees increaſe and abound in the Hyues, for if they be not then carefully looked vnto, and ſtayed by the diligence of the keeper, they al fly quite away. For ſuch is the nature and propertie of the Bees, that as ſoone as the ſwarmes of the yong Bees, are bred with the Kings, and that they be ſtrong & able to flye away, then as diſdayning the ſwarmes of the olde Bees, they ſeeke the more gouernment. For that they be ſuche liuing things, that delight to rule alone, not ſeeking ayde and counſell of the elder Bees: and therefore do the newe kings flye forth, with the young ſwarmes following them, which for a day or two before their flying away, remaine heaping togither before the mouths of the Hyues, & right vnder the Hyues, ſo that by their comming forth, and heaping in ſuche order, they properly ſhewe the deſire of a newe place, and be as yet contented to remaine thereabout, if ſo be the keeper prouide for them a place and an apt Hiue. But if they haue no keeper to looke diligently to them, then as it were by an iniurie repulſed, they after ſeeke a newe place. That this may not happen, let then the warye and diligent keeper, looke circumſpectlye to the Hyues in the Spring time, aboute the eight houre of the daye, (when as the ſwarmes are not yet flowen away,) that he maye the diligenter marke and ſee the flying oute and comming in of the yong Bees.

Now the readineſſe of ye Bees in flying away, is known two wayes, as ye firſt is, whē for certaine daies before, in a maner at ye ſetting of the Sun, they plentifully or abundantly gather on a heape righte before the mouthe of the Hyue, like vnto greate
