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the Treatiſe.

togither, and that ſprinchled aboute within the Hyue, that the Bees maye be the rather and ſooner moued to tarrie and dwell ſtil in the Hiues.

¶How Bees lacking honnie may be fedde in that preſent neede. Cap. xviij.

BYcauſe the boyſterouſneſſe of the ayre doth ſometimes conſtraine the Bees to abyde in their hiues, and that they may not only feede of Honny, but at the ryſing of the conſtellation (named Vergiliæ) they maye be fed and cheriſhed, and the ſame done in this manner without greate coſt. As firſte, if you take the number of ten figges, ſeething them in ſixe pintes of fayre conduite or ſpring water, vnto a pynte waſted, whych after ſet the one ſide of the hiue within, laying many ſmal ſtickes a croſſe ouer ye Lycour, that thoſe may ſerue in ſtead of bridgs, the apter for them to drinke of the Licour, without drowning in the ſame. Others wyll to ſeeth Honny and water togither, & the ſame to be poured into diſhes ſet at the one ſide of the Hiue, in the whiche they will to put fine carded wooll, that the Bees maye the better drincke now and then, and be not cloyed with too much drinking of the licour, by lighting into it. Others take figs & raiſōs beating thē togither, and after boyling them in the ſweete lycour named Cuyte, they poure into diſhes, couering ye ſame with Oaten ſtrawes a croſſe. Others alſo will to take a little Hony, putting into the ſame a fewe Oate cornes, that the Bees lighting on them, may ſo kepe their wings from wetting in the licour. Now all theſe meanes may well ſuffiſe to cheriſh and feed the bees in the Winter time, lacking then foode, beyng ſet neare to the mouthes of the Hiues. So that if a longer hūger oppreſſeth them, then with the hiues faſt by the entring in, ſet little gutters made of halfe canes, or greate elder ſtickes cleft, into which poure of the ſweete licours aboue taught, for by that meanes may they be wel recouered and ſtrengthned in the deepe of Winter, when their foode fayleth them. Some wil to put freſh birdes cleane drawne, or the fleſhe of a Henne fine-

Dd. iij.