long tarrying and ſoone comming againe. That you maye eaſily finde the place where the Bees lodge, whether the ſame bee farre or neare hand, Palladius teacheth the ſame wittily, in this manner.
Firſte he willeth to take one whole ioynt of a bigge cane or Elder ſticke ſtopped at ye one end, and the other end left open, to annonynt within, with a little honny, whiche laye neare to that ſpring or running water, that the Bees daylye haunte vnto.
When Bees reſort to the ſame, and that certayne be entred within the quil through the ſauor therof, then ſtop the hole with your thumn, letting one of ye Bees afterward to flye forth, whiche dylygently marke, and follow that way it flyeth, for it wyll ſhewe you part of the way to their home. And after you can ſee the ſame no further, then quicklye ſet forth another be, whoſe flight in like manner marke, and followe after, for that it maye alſo ſhewe parte of the way vnto their home. And ſo let flie the bees by one and one, vntil they bring you vnto the place of the ſwarme. Nowe if the ſame place be deepe in the earthe, then with a ſmoake make eyther of drye flare or Brimſtone, driue ye Bees out, and when the ſwarme is come forthe, then ring on a baſon or ſhrill panne, for being by and by feared with the ſhryll ſounde of the ſame, the ſwarme eyther lighteth on a yong tree, or on the opener bowe of a bigge tree, which ſo founde out, couer ouer with a hiue prepared for the nonce. But if the ſwarm be placed in the hollowe of a tree, and hauing bowes, or in the ſtocks of the ſame tree, then with a verye ſharpe ſawe (of the meanes of the ſame will giue leaue) cutte it aſunder. And in ſuch ſort, that the parte emptie aboue the bees be firſt cut, and the parte beneath in which it ſeemeth the Bees to be lodged, to be like cut aſunder, and the ſtocke thus cut aſunder, at both the endes, couer with a faire ſheete, leaſte any large cliftes appeare after the cutting, whiche alſo annoynt with honnye, for the better ſtaying in of the bees, and after carrye the ſame home, which place by your other hiues making final holes in ye ſame,