Page:A profitable instruction of the perfite ordering of Bees.djvu/59

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the firste Treatiſe.

cleaue to the panne ſides, throughe the flame or heate of fire, and appeare burned: after poure the whole ſubſtaunce into a courſe hairen bagge, preſſing it forth into a troughe or other like veſſell, made for the only purpoſe, on which poure twoo or three kettles full of hote water, that no dregs hang after on the Waxe, and by that means ſhall you haue the Waxe both pure and cleane. But if you wil haue if caſte into faire round cakes, and to be cleaner and purer, then melte the Waxe againe, and being molten, poure it into a cleane veſſell, which waſhed likewiſe with warme water (as aboue was taught) ſet after in the Sunne, by which meanes, the cake will continue verye long faire of coloure.

¶What waxe is beſte allowed and commended. Cap. xxxv.

WAxe being the foode of lighte, and ſeruing vnto innumerble vſes of men, of all the kindes, the ſame is beſte allowed and commended, whiche is bothe newe made, meanelye redde of coloure, ſomewhat fattie, ſmelling ſweete, hauyng ſome ſauoure in it of the Honny, and cleare. Of the Waxe alſo in ſundrie Countries, that in the countrie of Pontus is well commended, and the ſame in the Isle of Creta: nexte to theſe is the Waxe in the Isle of Corſica, which is made of the Boxe tree, and ſuppoſed to haue ſome good effects in it for Medicine.

¶Of the great commoditie and benefite of Waxe in Medicine. Cap. xxxvj.

WAxe hath a meane among heating things, both in the cooling, drying, and moiſtning, as writeth Galen in the ſeauenth booke of Simples, and 22. Chapiter, whiche properly helpeth the roughneſſe of breaſte, when it is ioyned or mixed with the oyle of Uiolets, for that bothe mollifyeth or ſoftneth the ſinewes, ripeneth and reſolueth vlcers. The quantitie of a

Gg. iij.