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of the weather.

that inſtant, for that ſhe then with lambe, doeth of the fearefull noyſe of the thunder, deliuer hir yong one before the time. And for a ſpeciall remedie to ſaue that vntimely caſting of Lambes at ſuch times, the ſkilfull ſheepeheardes haue found out, that ye only driuing of many Ewes togither, is a ſure ſafegard to thē to auoyde this occaſion. Beſides, if you will remoue the rot of ſheepe, that they die no more, then take the belly of a Ram, and ſeeth the ſame in wine and water togither, which after mixe we water, and giue the ſame generallye to all the ſheepe to drinke, for by that meanes ſhall they againe be recouered of their diſeaſe. And here learne, that the fleſhe of ſheepe, and other foure footed beaſtes, which commonly feede in moyſte ground, is euill to feede vpon, for the harde digeſtion of the ſame. Alſo learne, that the good ſheepe are knowen by their age, as being neyther to olde, nor yet as Lambes: and by the forme alſo they are knowen, if ſo be you finde them large of body.

And they beſides haue much and ſoft wool, and both thicke & long heare, eſpecially on the nape, and about the necke, and the like haire on the belly. And both the health & ſickneſſe of ſheepe may be knowen, if ſo be any openeth their eyes, and findeth the vaines within to be redde and ſmall, which vndoubtedly declareth them to be ſound and good: but it thoſe vaines that appeare white, or redde, and bigge, then thoſe ſheepe are diſeaſed and weake.

And if the ſheepe go luſtily and boldely by the waye, it is a
ſure token that they be found, but ſadly and hanging
down the heade, then be they diſeaſed. Theſe hither-
to of the yearely coniectures, and other rules,
only meete for huſbandmen to vn-
derſtand and know
