Page:A semi-centenary discourse.djvu/91

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and mode of applying and enforcing the doctrines of grace, that in Oct., 1827, the congregation applied to Presbytery, then sitting at Bridgetown, for leave to employ Mr. Gardner as a stated supply until the spring meeting of Presbytery, whereupon Presbytery authorized Drs. Janeway and Ely as a committee to examine Mr. Gardner as to his qualifications to discharge the duties of his sacred office. This was attended to, and he was authorized to supply the pulpit until further notice. Mr. Gardner then entered upon the duty, and preached his first sermon in that capacity on Sabbath, Dec. 1st, 1827. Mr. Gardner continued to preach until the spring. At this Presbytery, the church made application for the services of Mr. Gardner until the next meeting of Presbytery, which was granted. On Nov. 10, 1829, Presbytery being in session, proceeded to examine Mr. Gardner with a view to his licensure; but before the examination was ended they referred his case to a committee, appointed when the Presbytery adjourned. On April 21, 1830, Presbytery being in session, the Committee to whom was referred the final examination of Mr. Gardner reported to Presbytery that Mr. Gardner requested to be dismissed from under their care, which report was accepted. Here was another terrible blow for the church, and one calculated to prostrate the energy and hope of the people, building their future prospects under God upon Mr. Gardner, believing that a beneficent Providence had so ordered it that he should visit and labor among them, and being also delighted with his preaching, for he was certainly no mean expounder of the Word of the Lord, all of these considerations were calculated to discourage and dishearten. Of course, there was no other alternative but Christian-like to yield submissively to this stroke and accept of it as