Page:A semi-centenary discourse.djvu/98

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the office of an elder, and the finger of providence manifestly singled him out, and so the people considered it; consequently the session met, after obtaining the consent of Mr. White, and he was examined, and, giving satisfaction of his qualifications, was accepted by the congregation, and ordained on the 18th October, 1842. There were now four elders constituting the session; these remain until this day, with the exception of Mr. Jesse Turner, who, having served the church faithfully, and beloved by the whole church, and by all who knew him, and above all we believe by his God, calmly, peacefully, and full of faith in God, leaning on his Redeemer, closed his eyes in death on the 25th of April, 1853.

Mr. Gardner remained pastor of the church for near twelve years, when he notified the congregation that, on the coming session of the Presbytery, he should ask a dissolution from the pastoral relation to the church, whereupon, on the 14th day of February, 1848, the application being made to Presbytery, and granted, the congregation consented to the dissolution, by passing the following resolutions:—

Resolved, That, although we entertain an affectionate regard for our pastor, yet as it is his desire to be released from the connection which has for several years so happily subsisted between him and us, we consent to his request.

Resolved, That it is our sincere prayer that the blessings of God may accompany him through life, and render him both useful and happy.

Thus terminated the ministry of Mr. Gardner over the church, a ministry, to a considerable extent, of usefulness and improvement. Many are now members of the church who are seals of his ministry, and some bright