Page:A short English constitutional history for law students (IA shortenglishcons00hamm).pdf/36

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English Constitutional History for Law Students.

The Case of Monopolies (Darcey @. Allein) 1602: Here there had been a grant of a patent for the exclusive right of the making of playing-cards < held, that it was a monopoly and contrary to law; the judges only admitting the Crown's right to such a grant in the case of a new invention, The Great Case of Monopolies ( grant to the East India Com, the East Indies was held valid. ast India Co. v, Sandy) 1693; A y of the sole right of trading in The Seven Bishops’ Case: Seven bishops petitioned the King that they might be excused from having the “Declaration of Indulgence read throughout the churches in their dioceses. James IL said this petition was a seditious libel and the bishops were arrested and prosecuted. The jury acquitted them, finding that the petition did net amount to a seditious libel. The case does not decide that the King had no power to suspend the law,