Two hundred kilometers— MEE- T.IYN l^cc-lo-MI-lii- For 250 you say "couple o£ hundreds and fifty":
kilometers— MEE-TAYN «■
tygm -SEEN ipe-h-Ml-tir For 255 you would say "cou- ple hundreds, five and fifty":
kilometers— MEE-TAYN w
lihanu n-kham-SEEN {er-h- Mi-rir But for 555 you would say "five hundred and five and fifty":
kilometers — khams M!-yi 11-
khamt u-kham-SEEN eeAo- W-tir 1 kilomcLers— rlf fae-lo-Ml- tir What is— SHOO, AYSH this — HAA-ia What's this— SHOO HAA-da or AYSH HAA-da I want— BID-di cigarettes— B/ZMt sa-GAA- yir to eat— BID-di 0-4"' Foods Bread — KJtV-biz FruH—FWAA-kf Watet-7-MAl t—BAYD Steak— STAYK Meat — LA-him Potatoes — ba-TAH'Ua Rice — ruz Beans (navy)— fa-SOL-ya Beans (horse)— FOOL Fish — S.i-mak Salad— S.I -la-ia Milk— ha-LEEB Beer— BEE-ra A glass of beer— KAAS BEE-ra A cup of coffee— fin-ZHAAN 'Ak-wi To find out how much things cost you say: How much— 'ad-DAYSH costs — bi-KAL-Uj this — HAA-da How much docs this cost — 'ad' DAYSH bi-KAL-lil HAA-da
Money Piaster — 'irsh Two piasters — 'ir-SHAYN More than 2 piasters- ROOSH Pound — LEE-ra Two pounds — UR-TAYN More than 2 pounds — LEE- RAAT Time What time is it— 'ad-DAYSH is-SAY-'a Quarter past five — KHAM-si u- RU-bi' Half past six — sit u-NUS Twenty past seven — SAB-'a ti- TULT Twenty of eight is said "seven and two thirds" or "eight ex- cept one third": Twenty of eight — SAB-'a ii-int- TAYN or TMAA-ni IL-la TULT Quarter of — IL-la RU-bi' Quarter of two — ii-NAYN IL- la RU-bi' Ten minutes to three — TLAA-ii IL-la 'ASH-ra At what tiine — Al-ya SAY-'a the movie — is-Sl-fia-ma starts — bi-TlB-da At what time dots the movie start— Al-ya SAY-a' bi-TlB- da is-SI -na-t>iu The train— h-TRAYN leave — bi-SAA-fir At what time does the train leave— Al-ya SAY-'a bi-SAA- /(V ii-TRAYN Today— ;/-mW Tom orro w — BUK-re Days of the Week Sunday— YOM ii-HAD Monday— YOM it-NAYN Tuesday— YOM it-TLAA-ta Wednesday— YUM il-AR-ba-'a Thursday— YOM il-tya-MEES Friday— YOM il-ZfWM-a Saturday— YOM it-SEBT