Page:A short guide to Syria (1943).djvu/28

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Food and Drink- Tobacco butler — ZIB-di cabbage- — mai-FOOF cauliflower — 'ar-na-BEET 01 ZAH-ra cigars— SEE-GHAHR cucumbers — II Ik curded milk — LA-ban food — A-I{il (cooked food) ta- BEEKH grapes — 'I-nab lemons— LA~i MOOh melons — bat-1 EEKH oranges — imr-dti-'A. IX urange juice — 'a-SEER bttr-du- 'AAN pipe — gAal-YOU radishes — Fl-zhil sah—Ml-lii sugar — SUK-kat xen—SHAH-i txtoacco—dtity-KHAAK tomatoes — ban-DOO-re turnip* — hjt w inc -u-tiEED [iridic — /All -Sir ai —kt-XEE-sa city — mc-DEE-tia or BA'lad m osc| ue — ZHA A -mi' path (trail, puss)- ma M. IR post office— BOS-ta ■ oltct post- M. KH'fa> road — tft'REE* or dttrh Surroundings shop ( store ) — ifii/i-k. I . i. srrcer— SUA A -ri' l.mvit — SI- town — BAL-da village — 'AR-yi or DAY-'a wcl— BEER hotel— O-TAYL oi io-KAN-dt animal — hai-WAHN b'pd—'Bi-FOOR camel — -ZHA-mei chicken (hen)— ZHAA-zM cow — BA-'ti-yi; Aog—kelb ials donkey (burrow, MAHR goat — -IN-zi horsi — h-SAHN mouse — I'AHR mule — BA-ghil jackass

pig — ^ A/n -ZEER rabbit^AR-tiab rat— zhir-DON aia—diib-BAAN Rcas—ba-RAA-GHEET mosquitoes — NAA-MOOS sheep— GHA -Rem snake — H.-ll-yi scorpion — 'A'-rab Insects lice — -'A-mal spicier — 'an-f(a-B00T bedbugs — bat Trade* and Occupations baker— Ifhal'-BAAZ zook—'ASH-thi barber — kal-LAA' farmer — fel-LAAh blacksmith— had -DA AD shoemaker — kun-D. >R-zhi buidKt—lah-HAAM tailor— ifcAaf-YyfHT Numbers first— AL'-u d ninth— TAAsi' second — f.-IA-ni tenth — 'AA-shir third — TAA-lit eleventh — UAA-di 'A -shut fourth — RAH-bi' tmdith—TAA-ni 'A-shar G f th— fCHAA -mis six t y—si't-TEEN sixth — SAA-dis seventy — sa-ha-'EEN seventh — SAA-bi' eighty — ta-ma-NEEN eighth — TAA-min ninety — aV- 7.7- V Clothing belt — zun-NAHR or KA-mar boots — ZHEZ-mi coat — SAH-kjo gloves— KFOOF hat — bur-NAY-ta necktie — gra-l'AAT or RAB-ta Mn—'a-MEES shoes — sa-RAH-mt sucks — al-SAAT sw< atct—ZHER'zi trousers— Aarr-ftf-LOA undershirt — 'a-MEES lah-TAA- tii