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§ 239. | Advance made by Lagrange and Laplace on the work of their immediate predecessors |
308 |
§ 240. | Explanation of the moon's secular acceleration by Laplace |
308 |
§ 241. | Laplace's lunar theory : tables of Bürg and Burckhardt |
309 |
§ 242. | Periodic and secular inequalities |
310 |
§ 243. | Explanation of the mutual perturbation of Jupiter and Saturn : long inequalities |
312 |
§§ 244-5. | Theorems on the stability of the solar system : the eccentricity fund and the inclination fund |
313 |
§ 246. | The magnitudes of some of the secular inequalities |
318 |
§ 247. | Periodical inequalities : solar and planetary tables based on the Mécanique Celeste |
318 |
§ 248. | Minor problems of gravitational astronomy : the satellites : Saturn's ring: precession and nutation : figure of the earth : tides : comets : masses of planets and satellites |
318 |
§ 249. | The solution of Newton's problem by the astronomers of the eighteenth century |
319 |
§ 250. | The nebular hypothesis : its speculative character |
320 |
Herschel (from 1738 a.d. to 1822 a.d.), §§ 251-271 |
323-353 |
§§ 251-2. | William Herschel's early career : Bath : his first telescope |
323 |
§§ 253-4. | The discovery of the planet Uranus, and its consequences : Herschel's removal to Slough |
325 |
§ 255. | Telescope-making : marriage : the forty-foot telescope : discoveries of satellites of Saturn and of Uranus |
327 |
§ 256. | Life and work at Slough : last years : Caroline Herschel |
328 |
§ 257. | Herschel's astronomical programme : the study of the fixed stars |
330 |
§ 258. | The distribution of the stars in space : star gauging : the "grindstone" theory of the universe : defects of the fundamental assumption : its partial withdrawal. Employment of |