the lengths of two of the seasons of the year, i.e. of the intervals into which the year is divided by the solstices and the equinoxes (§ 11). By means of his own observations, and of others made by his predecessors, he ascertained the length of the spring (from the vernal equinox to the summer solstice) to be 94 days, and that of the summer (summer solstice to autumnal equinox) to be 921/2 days, the length of the year being 3651/4 days. As the sun moves in each season through the same angular distance, a right angle, and as the spring and summer make together more than half the year, and the spring is longer than the summer, it follows that the sun must, on the whole, be moving more slowly during the spring than in any other season, and that it must therefore pass through the apogee in the spring. If, therefore, in fig. 18, we draw two perpendicular lines q e s, p e r to represent the directions of the sun at the solstices and equinoxes, p corresponding to the vernal equinox and r to the autumnal equinox, the apogee must lie at some point a between p and q. So much can be seen without any mathematics: the actual calculation of the position of a and of the eccentricity is a matter of some complexity. The angle p e a was found to be about 65°, so that the sun would pass through its apogee about the beginning of June; and the eccentricity was estimated at 1/24.
The motion being thus represented geometrically, it became merely a matter of not very difficult calculation to construct a table from which the position of the sun for any day in the year could be easily deduced. This was done by computing the so-called equation of the centre, the angle c s e of fig. 17, which is the excess of the actual longitude of the sun over the longitude which it would have had if moving uniformly.
Owing to the imperfection of the observations used (Hipparchus estimated that the times of the equinoxes and solstices could only be relied upon to within about half a day), the actual results obtained were not, according to modern ideas, very accurate, but the theory represented the sun's motion with an accuracy about as great as that of the observations. It is worth noticing that with the same theory, but with an improved value of the eccentricity,