fessional problems might better be postponed till the final year of training, when the student will be able to appreciate more fully the issues involved and when she will be preparing more definitely for her professional responsibilities as a graduate nurse. The final chapter is intended to introduce the young nurse to some of the fundamental principles of nursing ethics and to show how these principles have grown up out of the history of nursing and are linked up to it.
The references will suggest something of the rich body of historical material which is available for those who are interested in following up special topics or who wish to enjoy a rather fuller acquaintance with the characters and the incidents which are necessarily so briefly discussed in this short book.
Although Miss Nutting's name does not appear on this volume, it was at her suggestion that the work was undertaken, and the authors are greatly indebted to her not only for helpful criticism, but for her share in the original History of Nursing from which much of this has been drawn. We are also indebted to many others who have generously responded with information about the modern fields of nursing.
L. L. D.
I. M. S.
January 1, 1920.