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Page:A simplified grammar of the Danish language.djvu/29

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Regning, 'reckoning,' pl. Regninger; Smukhed, e. g., 'beauty,' pl. Smukheder; Venskab, n., 'friendship,' pl. Venskaber. Words ending in e simply take r; as, Kone, e. g., 'woman,' pl. Koner; Menneske, n., 'creature,' pl. Mennesker.
4. By a change of the radical vowel; as, Mand, e. g., 'man,' pl. Mænd; Gås, e. g., 'goose,' pl. Gæs; Barn, n., 'child,' pl. Börn.
In some cases this change is associated with a transposition of the terminal letters; as, Fader, e. g., 'father,' pl. Fædre; Moder, e.g., 'mother,' pl. Mödre.
5. Nouns ending in el, en, or er often drop the penultimate e; as, Engel, e. g., 'angel,' pl. Engle; Lagen, e. g., 'sheet,' pl. Lagner; Ager, 'field,' pl. Agre.
6. Words having a double consonant reject one of these; as, Himmel, e. g., 'heaven,' pl. Himle; Middel, e. g., 'method,' pl. Middler; Datter, 'daughter,' pl. Dötre.

Words of one or more unaccentuated syllables, ending in a consonant, double the latter in the plural; as, Bal, e. g., 'ball,' pl. Baller; Sön, e.g., 'son,' pl. nner; Rigdom, e.g., 'riches', pl. Rigdomme.

The genitive is the only case which is marked by any special termination, this being made, as in English, by the addition of, s without an apostrophe, or es.

Nouns ending in any consonant except s or ks (x), and