positive. comparative. superlative. 1. rig, rich, rigere, rigest. 2. ringe, slight, ringere, ringest. 2. stor, large, större, störst. 3. broget, variegated. mere broget, mest broget.
Some adjectives are wholly irregular; as—
god, good, bedre, best. ond, bad, værre, værst. lille, little, mindre, mindst. gammel, old, ældre, ældst.
ADVERBS. (Biord.)
Adverbs are often identical with the neuter singular of corresponding adjectives; as, hurtigt, 'hastily,' from hurtig, adj., 'hasty.'
Adverbs of place and time, negation and affirmation, &c. are both simple and compound; as, her, 'here;' herfra, 'hence;' ude, 'out;' udenfra, 'from outside;' ikke, 'not;' ja, jo, 'yes;' så, 'so;' således, 'thus;' silde, 'late;' årle, 'early;' tilforn, 'formerly;' i-dag, 'to-day;' i-går, 'yesterday.'
Some are formed by the addition to other adverbs, adjectives, or other parts of speech, of the affixes ledes and vis; as, ligeledes, 'likewise;' uheldigvis, 'unfortunately;' stykkevis, 'piece by piece.'
Adverbs form their degrees of comparison in the same manner as adjectives; as—